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By: X. Vak, MD

Program Director, Indiana University School of Medicine

As believers in the finished work of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ we walk by faith and not by sight and are routed in the conviction that we blossom where we are planted solanum xanthocarpum antimicrobial activity purchase azitrom 250mg mastercard. We are planted by and in the word of God antibiotic and sun order azitrom online pills, which is settled in heaven (Psalm 119 v 89) antibiotic used for bronchitis azitrom 250 mg. Healing awaits anyone who steps out in faith by receiving the Word and its healing power as the Bible says that He sent His word to heal us (Psalm 107vs 20) It is God who heals (Exodus 15 v 26) antibiotics for acne prone skin purchase azitrom 250mg with visa. It blows apart all our misconceptions about our health as it challenges us to examine our relationships with Father God, those around us and even ourselves. We must not confuse the incredible richness of the grace of God with the consequences or outworking of our thoughts and actions. God is sovereign and cannot be placed in a box but that does not exempt us from playing our part! I have seen many people healed through the application of its sound biblical principles. As a pastor Healing Begins With Sanctification of the Heart gives wonderful revelation as to the lengths Jesus went in order to secure my healing as well as providing great insight as to how I can pray for others. As God continues to bring revelation in this field I pray that you may embrace the heart of what is shared here. Pastor Wayne Nel Revival Centre Ministries Bulawayo, Zimbabwe You can explain the side of the natural but what about the flip side of the coin which is the spiritual side. Man can explain the natural side of things but God will explain the spiritual side. Michelle like a prophetess has enquired from the Lord to see the spiritual side of diseases. Dr Michelle Strydom has written down intricately an answer that our generation requires. Thank you doc, for allowing the Almighty God to use you in our time this side of eternity. I pray that the wider Body of Christ will unite and support this vital and pioneering work, which is bringing healing to those who have been declared incurable after all the sincere efforts of conventional medicine. This work, brought with a deep understanding of the grace of God, could change the face of modern medicine, and will also greatly bless the poor and vulnerable members of our society. God tells us His ways are different and higher than our ways, and so they often defy our norms of logic and the standards of this world (Isaiah 55: 8-9, Rom 12: 2, Matt 5:39-40). My intention is to practice medicine for the glory of God and my passion is to see His people set free and healed of all their diseases. As you read through the following pages you will experience a new frontier in medicine as I take you on a journey into science, into the anatomy and physiology of your body and also into the Bible. The latest cutting edge medical research is proving what the Bible said about health and disease thousands of years ago. In fact the Bible has been proven to be more scientifically accurate in the area of disease than medicine has been in the past 60 years. G If you want to defeat incurable disease ­ this would be a good time to pay attention. If you want to defeat incurable disease ­ this would be a good time to pay attention. I believe that this knowledge will help set you free from disease and enable you to take your life back. That brings realistic fruit to your life which is more than just spiritual theories. I am going to show you how your thoughts and the things that you meditate on long term cause biological manifestation in the form of disease in your body. The information in this book will also benefit those who do not have a disease or illness at the moment. Therefore I have trusted God for wisdom and have included the diseases that are most common today. This is not the type of book that you would read from beginning to end like a novel. It is more like a reference book where you will look up specific diseases that interest you i.

This is the other kingdom that is causing diseases globally and I want to show you how this invisible kingdom does it antibiotic 3 days for respiratory infection purchase azitrom 100 mg with visa. I want to show you how this invisible kingdom trains mankind to think like it and how your bodies conform to those thoughts antibiotics for urinary retention generic azitrom 250mg on line. If I can get you to understand what is the origin of your thoughts antimicrobial hand wipes order azitrom discount, then you will be able to renew your mind and then your body can conform to health and healing will come antibiotics joke buy generic azitrom 100 mg. Your thoughts can be your own, they can come from the Holy Spirit or they can come from satan and his kingdom. You have to be a spirit being otherwise God cannot be your Father because the Bible says that God is the Father of all spirits (Hebrews 12 v 9) and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4 v 23). Ecclesiastes says that there is no difference between beast and man in that we function similarly on a physical planet ­ we eat and do many things that animals do. However Ecclesiastes says that when an animal dies, its life force goes back to the dust but the spirit of man goes back to God who gave it (Ecclesiastes 12 v 7). If you can, you have a spirit guide or an evil As a human being you only spirit that is allowing you to do that. There are people in churches who know what you have learned can see evil spirits and they consider these people to have the gift of or what you have been taught discernment of spirits. Evil spirits are spiritual parasites that want you and need you to manifest their fallen nature in a physical world so that they can have their lust fulfilled and when you allow it, it becomes your sin. An « 86 » Your Thought Life evil spirit of gossip cannot spread strife without a mouth to gossip and slander etc. If these evil spirits can get you to become one with them in your thought life, those thoughts will eventually become words and actions. Therefore you practice that sin and allow the evil spirit to manifest its fallen nature in creation, even though you are a Christian. There are people who teach otherwise but if that were the case it would not make any sense to quote Hebrews 4 v 12 which says that the Word of God is a two edged sword that can separate the soul from the spirit. I will pray with the spirit, and will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also. However, tucked away in these verses is a tremendous insight into who you are as a spirit being and as a soul being. In the previous chapter "Essential Background Knowledge of Disease from a Medical Perspective" you learnt what thoughts are in a physical sense, how they form in your mind and how sinful thinking patterns lead to disease. You learnt how you build memory in your brain with your thoughts or through thinking. Animals have an instinct as an imprint in their genetic code that they follow as part of their animal kingdom. However as a human being you only know what you have learned or what you have been taught from without or from within. You can be taught through one of two pathways: I can teach you through your five physical senses which is from without and that is what I am doing now. As you are reading this book, the information is coming into your mind (your soul) through your eyes. I could also teach you by giving you a lecture where you not only take in information with your eyes (for example from a power point presentation) but you would also be taking in information into your mind (your soul) through your ears as you listen to what I say. The information that is coming into your mind through your eyes and ears is becoming thoughts in your mind which through something called protein synthesis results in the building of short term memory. So your soul only knows what it perceives from the external world through your five physical senses. But there is another pathway from which you are taught and that is from within ­ through thoughts, impressions and feelings that come from the spirit to the soul. Things communicate at the level of their existence: Things that are physical communicate with things that are physical. I am communicating with you at the physical level through your five physical senses. Well because you are a spirit being, things that are spirit must communicate with your human spirit in the form of thought. For example, an evil spirit will not put a thought in your mind that says, "The devil says you must hate your mother-in-law". He wants to deTheta brain wave activity ceive you so he puts the thought in your mind in the first person, "I allows thought to move from hate my mother-in-law. Meditate on that thought long enough and through the process of protein synthesis, you will build a long term memory (a thorn tree) in your brain of hatred for your mother-in-law.

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Angus Buchan (the man who wrote Faith Like Potatoes) lies in his maize lands where he talks with God (he calls his maize lands his green cathedral) antibiotic 7 days to die order cheap azitrom. The more time you spend with God antibiotics cvs generic 100mg azitrom free shipping, the more you « 60 » Your Thought Life get to know Him sinus infection 9 month old discount azitrom 500 mg. The Bible says that the work that His Presence will accomplish within you is the fruits of the Holy Spirit antibiotic resistance usa discount azitrom 250 mg on-line. Jesus said that the only way you are going to see the fruit of the Holy Spirit manifested in your life is by abiding in the Vine ­ that means spending time in His Presence in intimate fellowship with Him. When it talks about the fruit of the Holy Spirit in Galatians 5 v 23, it says that against such things there is no law because there is no law that is greater than the law of God which is the law of love. When you are walking in love and obedience the devil just cannot get a grip on you ­ you are like oil that just slips through his fingers. Well the answer to that question is a book in itself and thankfully one has been written ­ it is called "The Love Dare" and it comes from the movie "Fire Proof". This book will take you on a journey through the Bible and teach you in a very simple and practical way how to walk in love in your every day life. I consider the teaching in that book as essential foundational knowledge for every believer. Galatians 5 v 18: "But if you are guided (led) by the [Holy] Spirit, you are not subject to the Law. Whoever says, I know Him [I perceive, recognize, understand and am acquainted with Him] but fails to keep and obey His commandments (teachings) is a liar, and the Truth [of the Gospel] is not in him. I assure you when you are walking in the Law of love, it is absolutely impossible from both a medical and Biblical standpoint for disease to gain a foothold in your life. Earlier I explained that disease results from sin and therefore separation on three levels ­ from God, from yourself and from others. The reason is because your thoughts are healthy and the resultant physical reaction produced in your body is healthy. Proverbs 17 v 22: "A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing. When your thoughts are Godly, when you are renewing your mind with the Word and you are meditating on whatever is true, pure, lovely, of good report and praise worthy (Philippians 4 v 8), you are not going to get sick in the first place. Henry Wright spoke of an interesting article on the subject in Newsweek magazine (September 24, 1990): "The future of medicine does not lie in the treatment of illness but in preventing it. Throughout the 20th century, medicine has advanced primary care by improving curative care. Perhaps this will be the most important medical field, supplanting our present emphasis on oncology and « 62 » Your Thought Life cardiology. Healthy thinking may eventually become an integral aspect of treatment for everything from allergies to liver transplants and prevention of disease. The principles that bring you healing are the same principles that if you continue to apply them to your life will keep you in divine health. If you apply these principles now, even though you do not have a disease, it will prevent you from ever getting that disease. Somebody once said to me that it is idealistic and unrealistic to never be sick because everybody develops an illness at various stages of their lives. But living in divine health without getting sick is a Biblical principle and it is possible. For example, Kenneth Hagin and Andrew Wommack have learnt the principles of healing and living in divine health and they both have reported that they were not sick once in 40 years. The same principles that are applied to obtain healing are the same principles that when applied will prevent disease that was headed your way. Getting rid of these sinful thinking habits involves going through the process of renewing your mind. R omans 12 v 2: "Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you]. To get well you need to replace your old toxic sinful thinking habits with a Godly mindset ­ in other words you need to renew your mind. Renewing your mind basically means changing your thinking to the way that God thinks. Sometimes we have become so used to a certain pattern of thinking that we think it is part of our personality. I think God wants His mind which is the mind of Christ to be our mind, His thoughts to be our thoughts, His ways to be our ways.

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Amino acids (the building blocks that make up protein) are needed to make the chemical messengers (called neurotransmitters) that transmit information quickly and efficiently antimicrobial lab coats purchase azitrom paypal, thus improving your ability to think antibiotic 1st generation discount azitrom 500mg line. In this state of mind antibiotics for dogs online buy azitrom 500mg with mastercard, you are obviously not going to be able to renew your mind very well antibiotics to treat sinus infection discount azitrom 100 mg otc. The amino acids that your brain needs for effective thinking can be found in natural foods such as fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, poultry. They are a complete food with an excellent source of proteins and fats and they contain all the essential nutrients you need. The myth that eggs are bad for you came from research that was done 70 years ago which was funded by a Cereal business to prove that eggs are high in bad cholesterol. This is invalid because the research was done using dried egg yolk powder which is oxidized and is toxic to blood vessels. Lecithin in eggs is used to make a chemical messenger called acetylcholine which helps with memory building and intelligence. So eggs are a very good way of replacing that special type of fat in a nerve cell. Make sure that the eggs you consume are from organic, free range and non-animal fed chickens. For most people the taste of a raw egg is not desirable so adding it to a milk shake or smoothie would give you the benefits without the taste. As mentioned previously, breakfast is your most important meal of the day and this is the best time to have your protein because it triggers the release of nor epinephrine and dopamine in your brain. These chemicals are needed for fast, clear thinking and memory building, which sets a good stage to work on renewing your mind. Meat, wheat germ and nuts are also a good source of B vitamins such as thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), folic acid and pyridoxine (B6) which are vital to maintain the health of your brain and nervous system. A deficiency of vitamin B can cause difficulty in sustaining attention and memory loss. The nerves that conduct the electrical current carrying the information from your thoughts are covered with a lining of fat (called a myelin sheath ­ picture on page 10) which acts as an insulator. Fats get used up in the brain through thinking and needs to be replenished all the time. This impairs your ability to think fast and to build memory efficiently which obviously adversely affects your ability to renew your mind. So fat is important for intellectual functioning but as I explained earlier, there are good and bad fats. The minute the fat is heated it changes and becomes an oxidant that attacks and damages the myelin sheath around the nerve cells. Saturated fat is any fat that is solid at room temperature such as margarine and lard. Because saturated fat becomes rancid when exposed to air, even for short periods of time, various chemical techniques are used to alter their chemical make up so that they will last longer on the shelf. For example they cause the blood platelets to become sticky which increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Fats that are damaged through heating or in over processed oils make your brain sluggish because they harden cell membranes which results in slow thinking. Unsaturated fats are those that are liquid at room temperature and these are the fats that are good for you. There are two types of unsaturated fat: monounsaturated which is found in for example olive oil, almonds and almond oil and polyunsaturated which for example is found in maize and cotton seed oils. There are two essential fatty acids which are the most important and these are linoleic and linolenic acids. Over the years our diets have become deficient in these two very important nutrients because the highly processed fats that we eat compete with and replace these essential fatty acids within our bodies. Raw flaxseed oil contains both the essential fatty acids, as well as vitamin A, B1, B2, C, D and E along with many minerals such as zinc, iron and potassium.

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Oestrogen is metabolized by the liver and conjugated with glucuronic acid so that 65% is excreted in urine antibiotics pills cheap 100 mg azitrom fast delivery. Progesterone this hormone is produced by the corpus luteum in large amounts following ovulation and by the placenta in pregnancy bacteria zar 250 mg azitrom otc. Its functions are to: induce endometrial secretory changes; increase the growth of the myometrium in pregnancy; decrease myometrial activity in pregnancy; increase secretory activity in the uterine tubes; decrease motility of the uterine tubes; increase the glandular activity in the breasts bacteria 1 urinalysis order azitrom 100mg amex. Oestradiol is a pregnancy oestrogen metabolized by the fetoplacental unit and does not appear here antibiotic resistance wildlife buy discount azitrom 500mg on line. There are numerous blood vessels which arise from the spiral arterioles, the terminal branches of the uterine arteries. Oestrogen reduces the peristalsis of the tubes; at the time of ovulation there is a reversal of peristalsis to help the sperm to travel more easily up the crypts between the folds of the mucus. The oocyte is squeezed out of the follicle and sticks to the surface of the ovarian fimbria of the tube. The fimbria embraces the ovary and the oocyte moves directly into the fallopian tube with no transperitoneal journey. Peristalsis of the muscle of the tube and the action of fine cilia move oviduct fluid and the passive ovum from the peritoneal end of the fallopian tube into the endometrial cavity taking about five days. During this passage, the fertilized ovum receives nutrition from secretions of the mucosa of the tube. Here gas exchange between the rapidly growing blastocyst and fallopian tube fluid also takes place. These tubal secretions are under the influence of oestrogen priming and increase greatly Changes in the menstrual cycle At the end of menstruation, the endometrium enters a short resting phase, when it is thin, its glands are straight and the stroma compact and nonvascular. As oestrogen levels rise, the endometrium enters a follicular or proliferative phase with the endometrial glands becoming tortuous; the stroma becomes cellular. In the luteal phase, the endometrium becomes secretory; it is thick, pale and glycogen appears in the glands which in turn become full of secretions. If the ovum is fertilized the endometrium grows to become the decidua of pregnancy. Implantation occurs on the decidua, which provides nutrition for the rapidly developing blastocyst. In the absence of fertilization About 12­14 days after ovulation, there is an intense spasm of the endometrial arterioles leading to tissue hypoxia and death in the superficial layers. Fissuring of the endometrium follows with cleavage of the endometrium from its spongy layer. Following this, regeneration occurs from the remaining basal layer and the cycle recommences. Mucopolysaccharide concentration and the calcium ions within the tubes also increase. Sexual activity On sexual stimulation, there is a vascular engorgement of the labia major, minor and the clitoris. Abduction of the thighs opens the labia major and the voluntary musculature of the vagina and vulva helps to dilate the upper vagina whilst gripping the penis in the lower vagina. The sexual response in women is usually slower than in men, but a plateau of response is more prolonged and it does not disappear so rapidly after orgasm as is often the case in men. The vulva and vagina the vagina is a tube lined by stratified squamous epithelium which contains no mucous glands and so there are no vaginal secretions. Any lubrication is a combination of secretions from the cervical canal mixed with secretions from vulval glands and a transudate from the vagina. The labia minor are normally in apposition as are the fatter labia major in normal standing, sitting and lying down positions, only parted when the legs abduct. The uterus is a hollow, muscle-walled organ in direct com munication with the (2) and the vagina. Inferior to the uterine artery lies the (3) the ligaments that support the uterus include the (4) and (5). The subservient doctor-knows-best approach has been modified amongst young and intelligent women who ask more questions.

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