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By: Q. Roy, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, Medical College of Wisconsin

Record one artifact diabetes insipidus purchase diabecon 60 caps amex, or a group of artifacts with the same description diabetes type 2 in young adults discount 60caps diabecon visa, on one line diabetes insipidus yahoo answers quality diabecon 60caps. Leave blank for samples Item Type: this field is important signs of diabetes weight loss order 60caps diabecon with visa, for sorting the database Miscellaneous (includes clay pipes, buttons, etc. Item Type Prehistoric Material (lithics) slate chert quartz quartzite argilite chalcedony 2greenstone jasper rhyolite sandstone steatite schist other stone Material (prehistoric ceramics) grit tempered grog tempered quartz tempered shell tempered schist tempered quartz and schist tempered Short Description Ceramics Chipped stone tool Chipped stone debitage Ground stone artifact Use modified tools Fire cracked rock Description Include information on: specific type name for projectile points type of wear surface treatment for ceramics segment of artifact present. For lithics: proximal (base) medial (mid-section) distal (tip) stem Measurements Measure length, width and thickness in millimeters, using calipers. The Faunal Code Book was created in the late 1970s, and revised in the 1980, by archaeologist Richard Wheeler and Peggy Weiss, volunteers with Alexandria Archaeology. This is documentation for how faunal remains have been catalogued, and a guideline for consistent cataloguing in the future. Although code numbers are no longer used, they appear without translation on the Faunal Code Sheets, so they have been retained in this document. Porcelain, which was expensive, was mostly used for tea wares, and for serving vessels and decorative pieces. Porcelain types: Hard Paste Porcelain was common in Alexandria in the late 18th and 19th centuries. A few pieces of very fine quality European porcelain also made their way to Alexandria at this time. In the late 19th and 20th century, hard paste porcelain with a bright white glaze was produced in Europe and America. Parian or statuary porcelain is molded and bisque fired, used to make figurines and elaborately molded vases and serving pieces. Translucence: To distinguish between porcelain and stoneware or earthenware, hold the pottery up to a strong light. You may not be able to see through Canton porcelain because of its thickness, and you may see through Castleford stoneware, which is a semi-translucent stoneware. Soft Paste: the glaze, if abraded from burial in the ground, appears patchy white and lavender. Chinese Export Porcelain Hard Paste the China Trade flourished from 1784, when the first cargo came directly to America, until around 1820. Chinese porcelain has a hard white or bluish-tinted vitreous and translucent paste, onto which is fused a hard clear alkaline glaze. Chinese porcelain tends to be bluish or grey, while later English and American porcelains are usually bright white. Blue and White Chinese porcelain hand painted underglaze Central pattern on Canton or Nanking Canton cloud border Nanking spear border Overglaze Enamel, ca. Overglaze enamel hand painted overglaze Imari, 19th century Imari is decorated with underglaze blue, and overglaze red and gold. Japanese, transfer-printed European Porcelain French and German factories produced vvery fine hard paste porcelains in the 18th century. English potters made some hard paste porcelain in the late 18th century, but were not very successful in this ventury. They also developed soft paste porcelain, and later, the very popular bone china which is still made today. Large quantities of hard paste porcelain were produced in Europe and America in the later 19th century. Hard Paste Porcelain, 18th century Only a few fine German and Franch porcelains from the 18th and 19th century have been found in Alexandria. Hand painted overglaze German, 18th century Hand painted underglaze, blue German, 18th century Hard Paste Porcelain, ca. The paste, which contains a large proportion of powdered glass, appears slightly granular and is easily scratched. Molded Hand painted underglaze, blue Soft paste, Prunus pattern Bone China, English, 1795Bone China, which contains bone ash, was first made by Spode in 1795 as an improvement to soft paste porcelain. Transfer printed over glaze Hand painted over glaze Applied sprig-molded, known as "Grandmother Ware," late 19th cent.

There is considerable overlap diabetes mellitus quiz diabecon 60caps generic, especially in subjects from the Indian subcontinent diabetes mellitus is caused by which of the following abnormalities buy diabecon 60caps otc, where osteological sex differences are much less marked anxiety symptoms and diabetes generic 60caps diabecon fast delivery. For methods of sexing by discriminant function analysis diabetes definition and classification discount diabecon online american express, the work of Giles and Elliot (1963) should be consulted. The frequency of correct sexing is no greater than more subjective methods, but commands a greater degree of confidence level in respect to its accuracy. Male Female Sex characteristics in the pelvis the post-pubertal female pelvis is wider and shallower than the rather upright male girdle to allow for the passage of the fetus during childbirth. In the pelvis, unlike the skull, there are differences, albeit subtle, in immature (even fetal) pelves that allow sexual differentiation. One must not be used in isolation, however; as many as possible must be assessed together. Sex features are independent of each other and one may even contradict the other in the same pelvis. It is often a first subjective impression by an experienced eye that determines the answer, though where the sex differences are slight, careful measurements may be needed to resolve the problem. As in the skull, the male pelvis is more rugged because of the attachment of stronger muscles. This is often a subjective measurement, however and depends in turn upon the shape of the pubic bone itself. When the line of the inferior ramus is projected medially and intersected with a horizontal line laid across the upper border of the superior ramus, the reverse size of angle is seen, the male being wider than the female. The body of the pubic bone, the block lateral to the symphysis, tends to be triangular in shape in the male, whilst the female pubis is more rectangular (Phenice 1969; Iscan and Derrick 1984). The most noticeable features are the narrower suprapubic angle and the higher iliac blades in the male pelvis. The measurements must be carefully made, the pubic length being from the plane of the symphysis to the reference point in the acetabulum and the ischial length being from the same point to the most distal edge of the ischium. The reference point is the site of fusion of the three elements of the immature innominate bone, usually marked by a notch in the articular surface of the acetabulum (Schultz 1937). If the ischiopubic index (in White races) is less than 90, the pelvis is male; if over 95, it is female. The acetabulum is larger in the male, being an average of 52 mm in diameter, compared with 46 mm in the female. The male joint cup also faces more laterally than that of the female, which tends to look more forward. Naturally, acetabular size is related to that of the femoral head, which will be considered later. The greater sciatic notch is an important criterion, being deep and narrow in the male, wide and open in the female. The angle formed by the margins approaches closer to a right angle in the woman than it does in the man. Harrison (1968) and Hrdlicka (1939) both felt that the greater sciatic notch was one of the best discriminants for sex, the latter claiming a 75 per cent success rate using this criterion alone. The obturator foramen is somewhat ovoid in the male, but triangular in the female. The pre-auricular sulcus, which marks the attachment of the anterior sacroiliac ligament, lies just lateral to the sacroiliac joint and is usually well marked in women but often absent in males. The pelvic inlet, looked at from above, is more circular in the female, the male being heart-shaped as a result of the protrusion of the sacrum into the posterior brim (Greulich and Thomas 1938). The female sacrum is wide and has a shallow curve, again related to the larger pelvic canal for childbirth.

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Study the Reproductive/Pelvis and Back modules on the Human Anatomy Interactive Atlas online diabetes test log order 60 caps diabecon mastercard. Know the material covered in the abdomen and reproductive lectures in the Human Anatomy Lecture Manual book diabetic diet korean order diabecon 60 caps visa. Study the vessels diabetes mellitus eye exam cheap 60caps diabecon overnight delivery, both arteries and veins diabetes in dogs statistics purchase discount diabecon on-line, that carry blood to and form the digestive organs. Understand the basic pattern of design covered in the lecture that governs the basic structure of these vessels. Be able to trace male and female gametes from their sites of production to the point where they meet. Understand the similarities and differences between male and female erectile tissues. If you understand the skeletal anatomy of the pelvis, it is much easier to grasp the muscular anatomy of this region. Build the paper pelvis model (it can be found in the back of this manual) and answer the questions that accompany it. Review the "four layer" of the back muscles from superficial to deepl Objectives During the Lab During the laboratory session, keep the following objectives in mind as you study the lab material. By the end of the laboratory session you should be able to: Reproductive system 1. Be able to demonstrate on the cadavers the gametic pathways in the male and female reproductive systems. Be able to recognize and identify the homologies between male and female reproductive structures. H u m a n 44 A n a t o m y L a b M a n u a l L a b o r a t o r y S i x Pelvis model 1. Analyze the topographical relationships between the pelvic/perineal muscles and the boney pelvis. Structures to Identify for the Quiz To encourage you to prepare for the lab so that you can get the most out of your laboratory experience, there will be a quiz at the beginning of the lab. To prepare for the quiz in this lab, you should be able to identify all the "Basic Labels" on the following photographs from the Abdomen and Pelvis Modules of the Human Anatomy Interactive Atlas online: Rrproductive system photos 1. Female pelvis, sagittal section (reproductive system structures) Pelvis/perineal photos 1. To maximize your study during those review labs, it is beneficial to jot down some notes after attending the lab. Use this section to make notes about the areas of anatomy that you did not feel you understood or identified very well during the lab session. Tips for reviewing the material Reproductive anatomy As long as you orient yourself on the dissections in the lab and clearly recognize what you are looking at, you should be able to easily identify the reproductive structures. Remember that the inner layer of muscle is the most complete and forms a basin shaped floor to the pelvic cavity. Remember that the ischioanal fossa is the space between the internal and middle layers, while the deep perineal space and superficial perineal space are correlated to the middle and outer layers of the muscle wall, respectively. Pelvic muscles Pelvic blood vessels Follow the branches of the internal iliac artery and notice where they terminate in the pelvic region. If you remember the layers and fiber orientations associated with the epaxial back muscles, this group of muscles will be much easier to learn and identify. To help with identification of the epaxial muscles, identify the spinous processes by palpation.

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