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Skill sets: an approach to embed employability incoursedesign,education&training,Vol. Assessing the value; work based learning placements for post graduate human resource development students. Assessing intrarater, interrater and testÂretest reliability of continuous measurements. Educationlawandtheprivateschool:A practical guide for educational leaders and Policymakers. In bridging the gap between theory and practice inmaritimeenvironment:Implicationsforeducators,MarStudies9; 153. Compliance with quality standard system in maritime schools: A cost effectiveness analysis, nscb. World Bank, Constructing Knowledge Societies: New Challenges forTertiaryEducation,Washington,2002,pxvii. Globalization of higher education in eight Chinese universities: Incorporation and strategic responses to worldculture. They were taught using the power point presentationassisted instruction as an intervention technique in their difficulty in subject-verb agreement rules. Lectures on subjectverb agreement were conducted among the participants with the support of power point presentations. The rules in subjectverb agreement and examples of sentences were presented in the slides using color coding, bolding, font manipulation, arrowing, and underlining of important terms as nouns, verbs, and other parts of speech which relate to the discussion. The 90-item test includes sentences and paragraphs where students would make the verb agree with the subject. To describe the pre- and post-intervention proficiency level of the students in subject-verb agreement, means and standard deviations were computed. The significance of the difference in this investigation was determined using the t-test for dependent samples. Results showed that the respondents had the average level of proficiency in subject-verb agreement prior to and after the intervention; however, t-test results showed that a significant difference was noted between the pre - and post intervention proficiency level of the respondents in subject-verb agreement. This result proved that using power point presentation as assisted- instruction technique can help improve proficiency in applying the rules in subject-verb agreement. Keywords: power point presentation, assisted- instruction, grammar, proficiency are allowed to become immersed in the wealth of information that is available to them. Students gain valuable insights by using different methods of learning in the classroom. Many instructors around the world are seeking ways to enhance their language instruction through activities and experiences made available through technology. Many have integrated a variety of technologies in the teaching of grammar in the second language learning environments, emphasizing grammar concepts and accurate sentence structure (Schnackenberg, 1997). The use of multimedia helps students move away from "chalk and talk" which encourages higher order thinking skills in the classroom. Because technology has become such an integral part of society, it is necessary to integrate its use in education in a variety of ways. The use of computer technology has moved beyond computer assisted instruction in the form of tutorials or drill and practice. Computers can be used as devices for communicating with people literally a world apart. They are used as tools in creating instructional materials or as presentation devices to provide information in ways never before possible (Welsh & Null, 1991). In this age of computers, the highlighting of forms can be effectively achieved by the use of relatively easy-to-use technologies. Students have to define the project (problem domain) and focus their efforts on application of ideas to a specific context antibiotic eye ointment for dogs proven revectina 3 mg. Conducting their own projects is much more interesting to students that answering sterile textbook problems bacteria that causes uti order revectina 3 mg without prescription. Thirdly virus x aoba order revectina, the third principle (the "Donate" component) stresses the value of making a useful contribution while learning virus 2014 buy generic revectina 3 mg on-line. Ideally each project has an outside "customer" that the project is being conducted for. The customer could be a campus group, community organization, school, church, library, museum, government agency, local business, or needy individual. The authentic learning context of the project increases student motivation and satisfaction. This principle is consistent with the emphasis on school-to-work programs in many schools systems and colleges, as well as the "service" philosophy of contemporary corporate training efforts. Lacson Foundation Maritime University Molo and the University of San Agustin, Iloilo City. Section A: Facebook Use and How My Writing is Enhanced Section B: Facebook Use and their attitudes towards learning writing Section C: Things that they found positive about using Facebook. Each item in the questionnaire was answerable with any of the following response: Strongly Agree, Agree, Uncertain, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree. Strongly Agree means that the respondent strongly believes to the idea stipulated by the item. Uncertain means that the respondent is not sure of the idea stipulated by the item. Disagree means that the respondent does not believe to the idea stipulated by the item. Strongly Disagree means that the respondent does not believe to the idea stipulated by the item. Response Strongly Agree Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly Disagree Weight 5 4 3 2 1 who were given ample time to accomplish them. The means, standard deviation, frequency count, and percentage were utilized for descriptive statistics. As soon as permit was granted, the researcher administered the questionnaires to the selected college students their writing skills. Therefore, in order to improve standards students need to be encouraged to write more and to enjoy writing, which could be supported by celebrating forms of writing they enjoy. Researches indicate that such can only be achieved through technology-based forms. The college students had responded "moderate" in terms of whether Facebook has developed their attitude towards writing. The top three language skills college students get from Facebook were: Finding an outlet and access to writing, Writing in English on the Internet, and learning new vocabulary. What are the language skills that the college students get in their use of Facebook? The third question was, what are the language skills that college students get in their use of Facebook. By using rank, the top three choices were: Finding an outlet and access to my writing in rank 1, Writing in English on the Internet in rank 2, and Figure 2 shows the data. Facebook is believed not be the highest source of attitude formator in terms of writing among the college students. For those who are still actively engaged in Facebook, developing some language skills can still be achieved through Facebook activities. Other reasons might be elicited from the students on why they do or engage in Facebook and its related applications. More studies on the utilization of Facebook in the context of learning in other subjects must be conducted. Language Skills College Students Learn through the Facebook the other skills that college students ranked below four were: A. Teaching the English language arts with technology: A critical approach and pedagogical framework. Buy generic revectina 3 mg on-line. What are the symptoms of Long QT syndrome & how is it diagnosed? - Dr. Sreekanth B Shetty. Your task is to evoke change talk and selectively reinforce it via refective listening can you take antibiotics for sinus infection when pregnant buy cheap revectina on line. The amount of change talk versus sustain talk is linked to client behavior change and positive substance use outcomes (Houck et al antibiotics for resistant uti cheap 3mg revectina with amex. There are many ways to respond to sustain talk that acknowledge it without getting stuck in it antimicrobial effects of spices buy 3 mg revectina mastercard. A double-sided refection acknowledges sustain talk infection large intestine cheap revectina 3mg amex, then pairs it with change talk either in the same client statement or in a previous statement. Use "and" to join the two statements and make change talk the second statement (see Counselor Response in Exhibit 3. A subtle strategy is to agree, but with a slight twist or change of direction that moves the discussion forward. It invites the client to consider a different perspective (Barnett, Spruijt-Metz, et al. Reframing is also a way to refocus the conversation from emphasizing sustain talk to eliciting change talk (Barnett, Spruijt-Metz, et al. Emphasizing that people have choices (even if all the choices have a downside) reinforces personal autonomy and opens up the possibility for clients to choose change instead of the status quo. When you make these statements, remember to use a neutral, nonjudgmental tone, without sarcasm. To facilitate discrepancy, have a values conversation to explore what is important to the client. Client experience of discrepancy between values and substance use behavior is related to better client outcomes (Apodaca & Longabaugh, 2009). The paradox of acceptance is that it helps people tolerate more discrepancy and, instead of avoiding that tension, propels them toward change (Miller & Rollnick, 2013). However, too much discrepancy may overwhelm the client and cause him or her to think change is not possible (Miller & Rollnick, 2013). To help a client perceive discrepancy, you can use what is sometimes termed the "Columbo approach. When clients recognize discrepancies in their values, goals, and hopes for the future, their motivation to change increases. In the old Columbo television series, Peter Falk played a detective named Columbo who had a sense of what had really occurred but used a somewhat bumbling, unassuming, Socratic style of querying his prime suspect, strategically posing questions and making refections to piece together a picture of what really happened. The "Columbo counselor" engages the client in solving the mystery: Example #1: "Hmm. The value of the Columbo approach is that it forces the client, rather than the counselor, to grapple with discrepancies and attempt to resolve them. This approach reinforces the notion that the client is the expert on his or her behavior and values. For clients to feel discrepancy between their values and actions, they need to recognize what those values are. Avoid being the expert and treating clients as passive recipients when giving information about the negative physical, emotional, mental, social, or spiritual effects or consequences of substance misuse. For example: "Would it be okay if I shared some information with you about the health risks of using heroin? For example: "What would you most like to know about the health risks of heroin use? This differs from focusing on the external pressure that a family member, an employer, or the criminal justice system may be putting on clients to reduce or abstain from substance use. The purpose is to invite clients to explore the impact of substance use behaviors on the people with whom they are emotionally connected in a nonthreatening way. Approach this conversation from a place of genuine curiosity and even a bit of confusion (Miller & Rollnick, 2013). One of the most consistent predictors of positive client behavior change is "ability" change talk (Romano & Peters, 2016). Unless a client believes change is possible, the perceived discrepancy between desire for change and feelings of hopelessness about accomplishing change is likely to result in continued sustain talk and no change. When clients express confdence in their ability to change, they are more likely to engage in behavior change (Romano & Peters, 2016). Evoking hope and confdence to support self-efcacy Many clients do not have a well-developed sense of self-effcacy. In addition treatment for uti gram negative bacilli best revectina 3mg, the cardiovascular and psychoactive effects of smoked marijuana contraindicate its use in glaucoma patients antibiotic 200 mg cheap 3 mg revectina visa, many of whom are elderly and have comorbidities antibiotics for pimples acne order 3mg revectina with mastercard. Preclinical trials revealed that the anticonvulsant properties of canna-binoids differ widely by dose and between species antibiotics zyrtec purchase revectina from india. In another study, smoked marijuana increased sensitivity to electric shock among normal patients. These properties support the need for research to identify the specific kinds of pain that may be relieved by marijuana and the development of a synthetic cannabinoid with few actions other than analgesia. Undesired effects include impairment of short-term memory, attention, motor skills, reaction times, and the organization and integration of complex information (25). The chronic effects of smoked marijuana are of much greater concern, as its gas and tar phases contain many of the same compounds as tobacco smoke. Chronic use of smoked marijuana is associated with increased risk of cancer, lung damage, bacterial pneumonia, and poor pregnancy outcomes. Chronic marijuana use has also been linked to the development of tolerance to some effects and the appearance of withdrawal symptoms (restlessness, irritability, mild agitation, insomnia, sleep disturbances, nausea, cramping) with the onset of abstinence. However, these withdrawal symptoms are mild compared with those experienced with opiates or benzodiazepines (27). Preclinical and clinical research and anecdotal reports suggest numerous potential medical uses for marijuana. Current available data suggest numerous indications for cannabinoids, especially antiemesis, appetite stimulation, and pain relief. The data supporting cannabinoid use for the relief of muscle spasticity and movement disorders is promising, but further research is needed to clarify the roles of cannabinoids in treating these conditions. For epilepsy and glaucoma, the data is much less convincing, and many of the reports supporting marijuana use for these conditions remain anecdotal. Additional research is needed to clarify both the therapeutic properties of cannabinoids and their effects on symptom management. Studies have found that patients prefer the immediate effect on symptoms that occurs after smoking marijuana (32, 33). Experienced smokers are more competent at self-titrating to get the desired results. Other problems with smoked marijuana include difficulty in attempting to match placebo control against smoked marijuana (especially for those with previous marijuana experience) and the no-smoking policy of hospitals and public facilities. Overall, the clinical utility of smoked marijuana is limited by its short duration of action and accompanying side effects. Although the long-term effects of smoked marijuana may not be relevant for patients with terminal illnesses or debilitating symptoms, the residual effects of smoked marijuana are prohibitive for long-term medical use. Additional research is also needed to determine optimal dosage of cannabinoid drugs for symptom management. Current data has shown that for some indications, particularly pain relief, there is a small margin between clinical benefit and unacceptable adverse events. Most of the conditions for which efficacy of cannabinoid drugs has been determined already have well-established and effective treatments. However, little is known about how cannabinoids perform in comparison with these other treatments. Research suggests that cannabinoids may have synergistic effects that may indicate its use as an adjunctive therapy to both antiemetics for nausea and vomiting and opioids for pain relief. The negative effects associated with long-term smoked marijuana use necessitate consideration of varying modes of cannabinoid delivery. To overcome the limitations of oral administration, researchers have focused on developing other nonsmoked, rapid-onset formulations. It also found that exhaled carbon monoxide increased very little after vapor compared with smoking (37). Those findings, along with patient preference for the vapor method, indicate opportunities for future clinical trials. It allows patients to self-regulate their dosage immediately by ceasing inhalation when or if psychoactive effects become unpleasant. Scientists are also developing a pulmonary dronabinol to be delivered with a pressurized metered-dosed inhaler. Some scientists and physicians believe the procedures for obtaining marijuana for research and publishing research findings are particularly arduous because of the debate surrounding its legalization for general use (38). |