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By: C. Rasarus, MD

Deputy Director, New York University School of Medicine

Prolonged use of antimicrobials which alter this flora may result in vitamin deficiencies arrhythmia v tach cheap 25mg lopressor with amex. Neomycin causes morphological abnormalities in the intestinal mucosa-steatorrhoea and malabsorption syndrome can occur hypertension over 55 buy lopressor 50mg without prescription. The other infection will be masked initially pulse pressure values purchase lopressor 100 mg fast delivery, only to manifest later in a severe form blood pressure veins lopressor 12.5mg on line. Examples are: (i) Syphilis masked by the use of a single dose of penicillin which is sufficient to cure gonorrhoea. The choice depends on the particulars of the patient, the infecting organism and the drug. Conjugation and excretion of chloramphenicol is inefficient in the newborn: larger doses produce gray baby syndrome. Sulfonamides displace bilirubin from protein binding sites- can cause kernicterus in the neonate because their blood-brain barrier is more permeable. Tetracyclines deposit in the developing teeth and bone-discolour and weaken them- are contraindicated below the age of 6 years. However, trimethoprim and fluoroquinolones attain high concentration in prostate due to ion trapping. Impaired host defence Integrity of host defence plays a crucial role in overcoming an infection. Pyogenic infections occur readily in neutropenic patients, while if cell-mediated immunity is impaired. Penicillins, many cephalosporins and erythromycin are safe, while safety data on most others is not available. They carry risk of acute yellow atrophy of liver, pancreatitis and kidney damage in the mother, as well as cause teeth and bone deformities in the offspring. Animal studies indicate increased risk to the foetus, especially with fluoroquinolones, cotrimoxazole, chloramphenicol, sulfonamides and nitrofurantoin. Though metronidazole has not been found teratogenic, its mutagenic potential warrants caution in its use during pregnancy. Bacteria adhering to foreign surfaces create a biofilm around them and grow very slowly, rendering them difficult to reach and less vulnerable to the antibiotic. However, most of the time, definitive bacteriological diagnosis is not available before initiating treatment. Bacteriological testing takes time, is expensive and appropriate samples of infected material for bacteriology may not be obtainable. A clinical diagnosis should first be made, at least tentatively, and the likely pathogen guessed. A good guess can be made from the clinical features and local experience about the type of organism and its sensitivity. Choice to be based on bacteriological examination No guess can be made about the infecting organism or its sensitivity. Bacteriological sensitivity testing this is generally done by disk-agar diffusion method using standardized concentrations of antibiotics based on clinically attained plasma concentrations of these. As such, they provide only qualitative results; may serve as indicators, and cannot be blindly extrapolated to the clinical situation in every patient and for every organism. Broth cultures with break-point concentration (concentration that demarcates between sensitive and resistant bacteria) of antibiotics probably yield more reliable results. Break-point concentrations are to be related to clinically attainable serum concentrations of the antibiotic. If the organism is killed, no growth will occur; but if it was only inhibited in the parent culture-it will grow on subculturing in antibiotic-free medium. It is generally calculated from the time required to attain 10 fold increase in bacterial count in the culture for antibiotic exposed and unexposed tubes. However, for empirical therapy, often a broad-spectrum drug has to be used to cover all likely pathogens. But several acute infections resolve faster with a cidal than a static drug, because the cidal drug directly reduces the number of bacteria at the site of infection, while the static drug only prevents increase in their number. Pharmacokinetic profile: For optimum action the antibiotic has to be present at the site of infection in sufficient concentration for an adequate length of time.

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Although it is not useful in therapeutics it is important to know its actions for understanding other cholinergic drugs arrhythmia recognition posters 25 mg lopressor mastercard. The designation muscarinic action comes from the fact that these actions are similar to those produced by the poisonous mushroom alkaloid muscarine arteria lumbalis effective lopressor 100mg. Currently five subtypes of the muscarinic receptors M1 M2 heart attack recovery buy lopressor 100mg with mastercard, M3 blood pressure near death generic lopressor 12.5mg with amex, M4 and M5 have been, identified. The former causes release of intracellular calcium from endoplasmic reticulum while the latter activates protein kinase C. The M2 and M4 receptors interact with G proteins (Gi) with resultant inhibition of adenylyl cyclase and activation of K+ channels, particularly in the heart, and modulation of the activity of calcium channels in certain cell types. Nicotinic receptors are ligand-gated ion channels, and their activation causes a rapid increase in the cell permeability to Na+ and K+ ions with resultant depolarisation and excitation. This is because it is rapidly metabolised in the plasma by the enzyme pseudocholinesterase, and at the site of action by the specific true cholinesterase. It also dilates the coronary arteries and has a doubtful vasodilator effect on the cerebral and pulmonary vessels. The sphincters are, however, relaxed resulting in a rapid forward propulsion of the intestinal contents. Secretions: Cholinergic stimulation increases the gastric, intestinal and pancreatic secretions; the bronchial, salivary lacrimal and nasopharyngeal secretions are also, augmented. The increased bronchial secretions, accompanied by bronchospasm, may result in cough and dyspnoea. However, intra-carotid injection after sectioning of the postganglionic fibres from superior cervical ganglion (removal of sympathetic tone) produces: Constriction of the pupil (miosis) by contracting the circular fibres of sphincter pupillae, resulting in reduction in intraocular tension by increasing the drainage of ocular fluid through the canal of Schlemm. This reduces the tension on the lens and allows the lens to bulge into the anterior chamber thereby increasing its thickness and reducing the focal length. Myoneural junction: Acetylcholine released as a result of stimulation of the somatic nerves induces contraction of the skeletal muscle. The recurrent collaterals of the motor neurons which synapse with the Renshaw cells of the spinal cord are cholinergic and the receptors are predominantly nicotinic in nature. Administered parenterally it produces flushing of the face, sweating, salivation and, lacrimation. It has predominantly muscarinic actions and hence has negligible cardiovascular effects. Its muscarinic effects are well antagonised by atropine and hence it is preferred to carbachol in clinical practice. Adverse reactions to choline esters: these are mostly an extension of the pharmacological actions. Carbachol, because of its slow hydrolysis, is capable of exerting cumulative toxicity. Marked hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias and death after parenteral carbachol therapy have been reported. Therapeutic uses of choline esters: Gastrointestinal and urinary tracts: Bethanechol has been employed for the treatment of post-operative paralytic ileus and abdominal distension and for urinary retention. In chronic urinary retention 10 mg of the drug may be given 3 to 4 times a day till voluntary or automatic voiding is established. When applied topically to the eye, pilocarpine produces miosis, followed by a sustained fall in intraocular tension and a spasm of accommodation. Because of the prominent secretory response, pulmonary edema is a major hazard of systemic pilocarpine therapy. Pilocarpine-induced miosis persists for 3 to 24 hours but the spasm of accommodation disappears in about 2 hours. Pilocarpine is often used alternately with mydriatics like homatropine (2 to 5%) to break adhesions between the iris and the lens (Chapter 72). Pilocarpine ocusert is a drug delivery unit specially designed to deliver pilocarpine slowly over a period of 7 days. Acute mushroom poisoning is characterised by diarrhoea, dyspnoea, abdominal pain, lacrimation, salivation, weakness, confusion, convulsions and coma. These effects are due to muscarine and can be antagonised by large doses of atropine.

Adverse reactions: Toxicity of cyclophosphamide is similar to that of mechlorethamine blood pressure medication name brands discount lopressor 12.5mg fast delivery. Mesna arrhythmia 16 year old order lopressor 25 mg amex, a synthetic sulfhydryl compound demi lovato heart attack mp3 order lopressor pills in toronto, given simultaneously with cyclophosphamide and again 4 and 8 hours later blood pressure 1 discount lopressor online master card, reacts with the toxic metabolite in the urinary tract, thus preventing hemorrhagic cystitis. Preparations and dosage: Cyclophospha-mide is supplied as 50 mg tablets and in vials containing 100-200 mg of powder. Solution for injection is prepared by adding 5 ml of sterile water to 100 mg of the drug. Therapeutic uses: Commonly cyclophosphamide is used as a part of a multiple-drug, regimen to treat various malignancies such as chronic lymphatic leukemia, lymphomas and solid tumours. Because of the possibility of hemorrhagic cystitis, the patient is advised to take plenty of fluids and it is combined with mesna. It is effective orally, predominantly against malignant cells of lymphoid series. It is not a local irritant and is less likely to cause alopecia even after prolonged use. Therapeutic uses: the drug can be used for similar purposes as cyclophosphamide but is the drug of choice in the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The drug causes a selective depression of granulocyte and platelet production; it does not have a significant action on the intestinal epithelium or the lymphoid tissue. Prolonged administration may cause amenorrhoea, wasting, pigmentation, gynecomastia, anhydrosis and pulmonary fibrosis. Therapeutic uses: It is used in combination in the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia. The treatment is initiated with 2-8 mg daily orally and then, depending upon the leucocytic count, the dose is tapered to a daily maintenance dose of 0. Estramustine is a stable combination of an estrogen and mustine, designed to deliver mustine to the estrogen receptor site of a tumour. It has both local cytostatic effect and a hormonal effect due to its estrogen component. In the cell, it gets converted into an active form, a potential mustard-like alkylating agent. Used in combination with other drugs such as vinblastine and bleomycin, it produces prolonged remissions in a high percentage of patients with germ cell, colorectal, ovarian, and testicular tumours. Prophylactic administration of an antiemetic is mandatory Dose-related renal damage. Aggressive hydration with saline, plus mannitol/furosemide is recommended to reduce the nephrotoxicity. Antimetabolites Chemical substances which take part in cellular metabolic reactions are called as metabolites. An antimetabolite is a chemical agent which, by virtue of its close structural similarity to the metabolite, blocks its actions. It can achieve this either by preventing the combination of the metabolite with its specific enzyme or by itself combining with the specific enzyme and thus getting transformed into a compound which is either metabolically inactive or harmful to the cell. Clinically useful growth inhibiting anti-metabolites are structural analogues of: Substances essential for the synthesis of the nucleic acid bases. It is, therefore, more toxic to tissues with a high proportion of rapidly dividing cells. Pharmacological actions: Cytotoxic actions: Methotrexate has a predominant action on the bone marrow. It inhibits erythropoiesis, myelopoiesis and finally may cause aplasia of the bone. It can cross the placental barrier and interfere with embryogenesis causing foetal abnormalities and death. Absorption, fate and excretion: Methotrexate is well absorbed from the intestines. It disappears from the blood rapidly and remains in the tissue longer than folate. About 50-90% of the dose is rapidly excreted via both, glomerular filtration & tubular secretion. Simultaneous administration of ketoprofen and methotrexate may cause prolonged and striking elevation of plasma methotrexate level. It is used in combination with cisplatin for non-small cell lung cancer and mesothelioma.

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  • Sometimes children do not breathe, and may begin to turn blue.
  • Trichomonas infection (such as trichomoniasis)
  • First ask, "Are you choking? Can you speak?" DO NOT perform first aid if the person is coughing forcefully and able to speak -- a strong cough can dislodge the object.
  • Medicines taken by mouth or through an IV to help remove fluid from the body
  • Palpitations or passing-out spells
  • Reptiles carry a type of bacteria called salmonella. If you own a reptile, wear gloves when handling the animal or its feces because salmonella is easily passed from animal to human.

Collapse occurs within a few minutes arteria uterina buy discount lopressor 25mg, body temperature falls and convulsions may occur; death is usually due to respiratory failure heart attack women purchase discount lopressor on line. Uses: Phenol is not used even as a disinfectant because of its corrosive properties blood pressure chart hong kong buy lopressor on line. It has been occasionally used as a 5% oily solution in almond oil for sclerosing unprolapsed haemorrhoids blood pressure chart graph generic 25 mg lopressor fast delivery. Cresol is 10 times as active as phenol and has a wider margin of safety It is an almost colourless to . The bactericidal value of lysol varies according to the soap used in its preparation. However, because of its highly irritant nature, it has largely been replaced by safer preparations like iodophors. Both these, however, are irritating to wounds, have a poor water solubility and lose their bactericidal power considerably in the presence of proteins. It retains its activity in the presence of soaps but not so much in the presence of serum or pus. It can get absorbed from burnt or denuded skin and from mucous membrane and even from the unbroken skin in premature infants. Severe neurotoxicity in the form of a myelopathy and cerebral edema has been reported in infants washed regularly with a 3% solution. Accidental ingestion or the application of high concentration (6%) to children has caused cardiovascular disturbances, convulsions and respiratory arrest. This compound acts against a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms and against fungi at pH 5. It is rapid acting, non-irritating and has residual activity It has low potential for. Its activity is reduced in the presence of neutral soap, surfactants and anionic agents. Chlorine exerts a, bactericidal action against a variety of Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms in a concentration as low as 0. The bactericidal action is significantly reduced in the presence of blood, serum, feces and other organic matter. An alkaline medium greatly reduces the antiseptic activity of hypochlorous acid by causing dissociation of the acid molecule. Chlorine poisoning is characterised by severe irritation of the respiratory passage leading to pulmonary edema, and by metabolic acidosis. Solutions of hypochlorous acid are corrosive to aluminium, stainless steel and silver. Preparations: (i) Chlorinated lime and boric acid solution (Eusol) is prepared by dissolving 1. The solution is irritating and should, therefore, be diluted with saline before using on denuded surfaces. It is the most potent bactericidal agent and in addition, also possesses high sporicidal, fungicidal, amoebicidal and a moderate viricidal activity Its germicidal activity is less. However, like chlorine, its activity is inhibited by reducing agents and organic material, whereas it is enhanced by alcohol. In rare cases, it causes severe reactions, such as bronchospasm, fever and skin eruptions. Treatment consists of gastric lavage with a solution of soluble starch or 5% sodium thiosulfate, and correction of dehydration. Preparations: (i) Strong iodine tincture contains 10% w/v of iodine, 6% w/v of potassium iodide, and 1% w/v of water in 90% alcohol. Uses: Iodine tincture may be employed for disinfection of skin prior to surgery Iodine. Iodine 1:20,000 solution is bactericidal in one minute and kills spores in 15 minutes. Iodine ointments are used as counterirritants and have also been used locally as fungicides in the treatment of ringworm. Iodinated hydroxyquinolines are used in amoebiasis and as topical antifungal agents. The use of iodides as expectorants and in the treatment of thyrotoxicosis is described elsewhere.