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By: S. Avogadro, M.A.S., M.D.

Associate Professor, University of South Alabama College of Medicine

Such procedures may also identify and characterize lymph node metastases with greater precision than can other cross-sectional imaging techniques anxiety symptoms 6 months purchase phenergan 25 mg visa. Findings of pulmonary metastases anxiety symptoms ocd buy 25mg phenergan free shipping, peritoneal metastases anxiety 0 technique purchase phenergan american express, vascular or biliary involvement not amenable to reconstruction anxiety symptoms yawning buy phenergan 25 mg, discontiguous liver metastases, or distant nodal disease indicate unresectability. Tissue confirmation of diagnosis can be obtained by needle biopsy, and the patient can be sent for alternative therapy. Barring signs of unresectability, medically fit and nonjaundiced patients may proceed directly to surgical exploration. At times, arteriography is still needed to demonstrate clearly unresectable vascular involvement. On rare occasions, the gallbladder cancer can erode into the transverse colon and produce a colonic fistula as a source of sepsis. In patients in whom this condition is suspected, a colonoscopy should be performed and full bowel preparation should be undertaken prior to surgical exploration. This cancer has a great propensity to spread in needle tracts, a laparoscopic port site, surgical wounds, and the peritoneal cavity. However, if radiologic studies demonstrate an unresectable tumor, percutaneous fine-needle aspiration cytology is highly accurate 458 and may avoid an unnecessary laparotomy in many patients. If the tumor is clearly unresectable and the patient is jaundiced, direct cholangiography allows for placement of stents to relieve jaundice and allows diagnosis to be established by either bile cytology or brush biopsy. Recommendations have ranged from simple cholecystectomy to ultraaggressive resections consisting of combined major liver resection and pancreaticoduodenectomy. The major morbidity after resection for gallbladder cancer has ranged from 5% to 54% and mortality from 0% to 21% (Table 33. In a multiinstitutional review of 1686 gallbladder cancer resections from Japan, a comparison of morbidity by procedure was made. With these improvements in perioperative outcome, radical resections are increasingly accepted. Morbidity and Mortality of Resection for Gallbladder Cancer Controversy concerning the extent of resection is also based on the dismal results of treatment in decades past. Until the last decade, the results of treatment for gallbladder cancer in general, including surgical treatment, were dismal. The overall 5-year survival rate was consistently less than 5%, with a median survival of 5 to 8 months. In fact, the only long-term survivors were among the group in which the tumor was small enough not to be recognized at the time of cholecystectomy. Anderson Cancer Center and reported a 5-year survival rate of less than 5% and median survival of 5. These investigators reported a median survival of 3 months, a 5-year survival rate of 5%, and a 1-year survival rate of 14%. They observed no differences among the various surgical procedures adopted and concluded that no progress had been made in the treatment of gallbladder cancer. Over the last decade, many reports have demonstrated the utility of aggressive therapy. As a result, a more reasoned approach based on the biology of the disease is now advocated. The following recommendations are based on the goal of complete resection of tumor. To achieve this goal, surgery must remove the cancerous gallbladder, remove any adjacent organ invaded by tumor, remove involved lymph glands, and provide biliary continuity if resection of the bile duct is necessary. Patients with T1 stage tumor (tumor confined within the mucosa or muscular layers of the gallbladder) most often present after the gallbladder has already been removed by simple cholecystectomy for presumed gallstone disease. Ample literature reports that patients with T1 tumors may be cured by simple cholecystectomy alone. If the cystic duct margin is positive, patients should be subjected to a common bile duct excision and biliary reconstruction. Survival after Resection of Stage I Gallbladder Cancers Alternatively, the early-stage tumor may be discovered radiographically by a vigilant radiologist. If a T1 cancerous lesion is suspected, an open simple cholecystectomy should be performed and the diagnosis and stage confirmed immediately by frozen-section pathology.

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Emerging data also suggest that positron emission tomographic scanning may be very useful in assessing patients after radiation therapy and in differentiating radiation-related changes from recurrent tumor anxiety symptoms - urgency and frequent urination phenergan 25 mg visa. Most authors agree that dose per fraction of 2 Gy or more is preferable to lower dose per fraction anxiety symptoms ruining my life discount phenergan 25mg without prescription. Hayakawa and colleagues 200 reported 5-year local control rates of 95% for those completing treatment in 45 days or less anxiety symptoms tongue generic phenergan 25mg otc, 81% in 46 to 49 days anxiety symptoms 6 months discount phenergan 25 mg line, and 73% in more than 50 days. The most commonly used field arrangement is opposed lateral portals measuring between 5. A larynx contour is taken during simulation, and an appropriate larynx wedge is usually added to keep the dose inhomogeneity to within 5% to 10%. Certain authors report poorer outcomes, 207,208 whereas others 209 report that proper technique yields satisfactory outcomes not dissimilar to other T1 lesions. Glottic cancers that cause vocal cord or hemilaryngeal immobilization or fixation. However, further tumor extension into the paraglottic space is often present, opening the entire larynx and adjacent exit areas to cancer spread. Many of these lesions are associated with thyroid or cricoid cartilage destruction, and the tendency is to underestimate glottic lesions with vocal cord fixation. With the unpredictable extent of the disease and the overall high probability of cartilage destruction in mind, surgery, which usually consists of a total laryngectomy, traditionally has been favored over radiation therapy for the primary management of T3 lesions. The overall 5-year survival rate for T3 glottic cancers treated with total laryngectomy is reported to be 55% to 72% in four major series. In another similar study, Som 212 reported a 58% cure rate in 26 patients with selected T3 glottic tumors treated by partial laryngectomy. Such technology would almost certainly have made the evaluation of these lesions and the delineation of their dimensions easier and more accurate. Even with this limitation lessened by contemporary technology, the reader should not be led to underestimate the difficulty of correctly selecting the small subset of T3 lesions suitable for hemilaryngectomy. This judgment is appropriately left only to those surgeons with considerable experience in partial laryngeal surgery. A small number of these lesions can be effectively removed by partial laryngectomy, but because this selection is fraught with hazards, past surgical literature has been slanted toward recommending total laryngectomy. Such is not the case today, however, and those patients with T3 glottic cancer who would require a total laryngectomy are almost always treated with an organ-preservation chemoradiation approach, with laryngectomy being used only for those who are unsuccessful with the former. The survival rate is the same between those that require the three modalities (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, laryngectomy) and those to whom only chemotherapy and radiation are given; however, a substantial percentage of patients retain their larynges in the process. Harwood and colleagues 214 reported a 45% 5-year local control rate for T3 glottic patients, and Wang 215 reported a 36% 5-year actuarial local control rate, which increased to 57% when surgical salvage was added. Mendenhall and associates 216 have reported that T3 glottic cancer treated with radiotherapy alone has a 5-year local control rate of 63%, increasing to 86% with surgical salvage. A trend has been noted toward better outcomes with twice daily treatment versus once daily fractionation. T4 tumor designation denotes cartilage destruction or extension of the tumor outside of the confines of the larynx. Grouping together all T4 lesions is misleading, however, because it fails to account for the more favorable tumor of lesser thickness and volume that may have achieved a T4 status only because it originated in a marginal zone and extended to an adjacent area, such as the pyriform sinus or base of the tongue. Just as with T3 supraglottic lesions, there are favorable and unfavorable T4 lesions, and that determination is made appropriately on the basis of tumor volume, depth, and thickness. With this exception in mind, the performance of the group of T4 glottic lesions is expectedly poorer than that of lesser stages. Traditionally, most of the unfavorable lesions are treated with total laryngectomy and some sort of a neck dissection; generally, these patients receive postoperative radiation. This unfavorable subgroup, which has destroyed cartilage, has been analyzed by Jesse, 219 who demonstrated an ominous pattern: Of the 48 patients, 6% had distant metastasis at presentation, 39% had cervical metastasis, and 30% required an urgent tracheostomy at the time of diagnosis. In this series of patients, the 4-year cure rate using laryngectomy and radiation was 54%. In the subset of patients in this study who required tracheostomy, the survival rate decreased to 38%.

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Anemia occurs in approximately 20% of these patients anxiety after eating order 25mg phenergan overnight delivery, and approximately 10% of patients present with perforation pain anxiety symptoms scale 20 buy 25mg phenergan free shipping. Radiologic findings suggestive of this diagnosis include a diffuse segment of thickened distal small bowel on follow-through examination anxiety symptoms of the heart cheap phenergan online visa. The more recently described Kiel system uses both morphology and cell surface markers to classify lymphomas anxiety vertigo generic phenergan 25 mg otc. Although histologic staging systems remain in evolution, the grade of the lymphoma remains most predictive of outcome. Fifty percent to 78% of patients who present with this type of lymphoma undergo complete surgical resection. Most authors agree that any patient with evidence of incompletely resected disease or regional nodal metastases can benefit from systemic chemotherapy. The median survival in patients who underwent complete resection with chemotherapy was 34 months, compared with 14 months in patients who underwent complete surgical resection without adjuvant chemotherapy. Adjuvant radiation therapy had been advocated by some investigators, 138,170 although the permanent long-term side effects of abdominal radiation therapy, together with the efficacy of contemporary combination chemotherapy, make this option less attractive. Prognostic factors include tumor grade, stage at presentation, complete response to therapy, complete resectability, histologic subtype, and the use of multimodality therapy. This disease typically occurs in patients younger than 15 years of age and presents with symptoms of pain and physical findings of a mass in the right lower quadrant, often with associated intussusception. The prognosis for these children is improving in the era of combined-modality therapy, with a survival rate of 76% reported by Fleming and colleagues 184; all deaths in this series occurred within 10 months of diagnosis. This is the most common lymphoma encountered in Middle Eastern and African populations, occurring with equal gender predilection in young adults, with a median age of 30. Mediterranean lymphoma generally involves the entire small bowel and is manifested histologically by villous atrophy and an intense lymphoplasmacytoid infiltrate in the lamina propria of the small bowel. Surgery is reserved for cases in which the diagnosis is unclear or for complications such as obstruction or perforation. Grossly, the bowel appears to be involved by a diffuse thickening with some nodularity. As a biologic curiosity, approximately 30% of patients with Mediterranean lymphoma have free a heavy-chain protein in their serum and jejunal fluid. Treatment of patients with Mediterranean lymphoma consists primarily of systemic chemotherapy, although reports of whole abdominal radiation therapy have appeared. Enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma is an unusual variant of intestinal lymphoma, most often seen in the Middle East and often associated with an antecedent history of malabsorption or frank celiac disease. The malignancy is believed to arise from unrestricted proliferation of T-cell clones from the reactive T-cell population in the enteropathic bowel. Sarcoma Sarcomas of the small intestine are extremely unusual, constituting only approximately 9% of all small bowel tumors and 14% of all small bowel malignancies (see Table 33. Most are of smooth muscle origin (leiomyosarcomas and leiomyoblastomas), although case reports of other histologies have appeared. More recent reports have grouped these tumors under the category of gastrointestinal stromal tumors, from which another variant, gastrointestinal autonomic nerve tumors, can be distinguished based on immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy. Sarcomas of the small intestine can present with a number of symptoms, depending on their growth pattern. Exoenteric lesions can present as an abdominal mass or perforation before any sense of obstruction is evident. These tumors also tend to be highly vascular, with a plethora of tumor vessels seen with arteriography. Intraoperatively, these tumors have a variety of appearances, but they are usually appreciated as firm, encapsulated masses that arise in relation to the bowel. It is difficult both clinically and by frozen-section examination to distinguish a small leiomyosarcoma from its benign counterpart, the leiomyoma. The principles of surgical management include wide resection of the primary tumor, including any adjacent structures that may be invaded. Duodenal tumors often require pancreaticoduodenectomy if the medial wall of the second portion of the duodenum is involved.

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Two prospective randomized trials demonstrated no difference in survival between patients treated with modified radical and radical mastectomy anxiety when trying to sleep purchase phenergan 25 mg visa. The failure of this trial to demonstrate a difference in survival between groups was the final proof that the Halstedian concept of breast cancer did not apply to the majority of patients and was a landmark in our understanding of the local therapy of breast cancer anxiety symptoms adults order cheapest phenergan and phenergan. The application of this strategy requires an understanding of the extent and distribution of cancer in a breast with an apparently localized tumor 0800 anxiety discount 25mg phenergan with visa. In 20% anxiety symptoms sore throat order phenergan no prescription, there was additional cancer, but this was confined to within 2 cm of the reference tumor. Forty-one percent of cases had residual cancer more than 2 cm from the reference tumor; of these, two-thirds had pure intraductal carcinoma and one-third had mixed intraductal and invasive carcinoma (. Local recurrence in the breast occurs at or near the site of the primary tumor in most cases, 237,238,239 and 240 emphasizing that this multifocal involvement is biologically important. In a subsequent study, the amount of residual intraductal carcinoma was evaluated. These studies indicate that the extent and amount of microscopic cancer in the vicinity of a primary tumor, known as multifocality, is variable. Frequency of additional cancer foci at increasing distance from a clinically unifocal reference tumor. Two hundred sixty-four mastectomy specimens were studied from patients with breast cancers measuring 4 cm or less and judged to be unifocal based on clinical findings. Thirty-nine percent of cases (group A) showed no additional cancer foci beyond the reference tumor. In 20% of cases (group B), additional foci were found but were restricted to within 2 cm of the reference tumor. Forty-one percent of the cases showed cancer foci further than 2 cm from the reference tumor, including 27% in which the additional foci were entirely intraductal (group C) and 14% in which they were invasive and intraductal (group D). These data demonstrate that survival for most breast cancer patients is not dependent on choice of local therapy. Overview analysis of trials of conservative surgery and radiotherapy versus mastectomy. The squares represent the odds ratio of the annual death rate in the radiotherapy group compared with the control group. The nonrandomized studies with the longest follow-up describe a persistent risk of recurrence in the breast through 20 years of follow-up. The annual incidence rate for a recurrence at or near the primary site is constant for years 2 through 7 after treatment, and then decreases to a low level by 10 years after treatment. Many of these patients, particularly those with favorable presentations, elect bilateral mastectomy. A modeling study suggests that bilateral mastectomy may be associated with a modest gain in survival. In such patients, a larger breast resection is commonly required to ensure adequate removal. In part, this reflects variability in the definition of close margins and, perhaps, the effect of institutional policies calling for escalated radiation doses based on the proximity of cancer cells to the margin of resection. In most analyses, positive margins have been associated with a high risk of breast cancer recurrence. However, patients with focally positive margins (any invasive or in situ ductal carcinoma at the margin in three or fewer low-power microscopic fields) had a 14% rate of recurrence compared with a 27% rate in patients with greater than focally positive margins. Patients with more than focally positive margins require more surgery given the significantly higher rate of breast cancer recurrence. A history of previous therapeutic irradiation to the breast region that, combined with the proposed treatment, would result in an excessively high total radiation dose to a significant volume is another absolute contraindication. However, in many cases, it may be possible to perform breast-conserving surgery in the third trimester and to treat the patient with irradiation after delivery. However, a relative contraindication is the presence of a large tumor in a small breast in which an adequate resection would result in significant cosmetic alteration. Women with large or pendulous breasts can be treated by irradiation if reproducibility of patient setup can be ensured and it is technically possible to obtain adequate dose homogeneity. The changes associated with recurrence can usually be detected at an early stage by physical examination and mammography. The delivery of irradiation to the breast does not result in a meaningful risk of second tumors in the treated area or in the untreated area. Tumors in a superficial subareolar location occasionally may require the resection of the nipple-areolar complex so that negative margins can be achieved, but this does not affect outcome.

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