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Vecchi North Atlantic tropical cyclones are responsible for major flooding over large areas of the continental United States. At each stream gage station, we then compute the 10-yr flood peak, which represents the flood peak that is expected to occur, on average, once every 10 years and corresponds to the 90th percentile of the flood peak distribution. The 10-yr flood peaks are computed only over the past 31 years to mitigate potential effects due to anthropogenic modifications of these catchments. The whiskers represent the 10th and the 90th percentiles, the limits of the boxes the 25th and 75th percentiles, and the horizontal line and square inside the boxes the median and mean, respectively. Recently, Rowe and Villarini (2013) used this approach to characterize flooding associated with six predecessor rain events over the central United States. Keeping in mind the variability within each category, these results are helpful in interpreting the values of the. Flood ratio maps for (a) Hurricane Floyd (1999), (b) Hurricane Irene (2011), (c) Hurricane Katrina (2005), and (d) Hurricane Ike (2008). The darker shades of green represent the 500-km buffer around the center of circulation. For each of these storms, we have created flood ratio maps by interpolating the values among the different stream gage stations using the inverse distance weighting method. Figure 2 shows the spatial extent of flooding associated with two hurricanes making landfall along the U. East Coast [Hurricanes Floyd (1999) and Irene (2011)] and two hurricanes making landfall in the Gulf of Mexico [Katrina (2005) and Ike (2008)]. The darker shades of gray represent the extent of the 500-km buffer around the center of circulation for all the storms during the study period. Some of the largest flood ratios over the past 30 years are associated with Hurricane Irene, with flood ratio values larger than 3. Moreover, as is shown by creating the flood ratio maps for the recent Hurricanes Isaac (2012) and Sandy (2012). There are large areas of the study region with flood peak values exceeding the 10-yr flood peaks. Most of the largest flood ratio values are located along the eastern seaboard, from North Carolina to Vermont. The Appalachian Mountains represent a natural divide, shielding the western part of the domain. Other areas with flood ratios larger than 1 are the coastal regions, in particular from coastal Louisiana to Florida. This secondary swath is generally associated with storms making landfall along the Gulf of Mexico and then moving northward over the U. These differences highlight the role of land use/land cover properties and antecedent soil moisture conditions to flooding. This flood ratio values in excess of 1 over most of the study study focused on flooding over the continental United region. The two case studies analyzed here illustrate the intricacies and complexities in avoiding both type 1 and type 2 errors in scientific assessments antibiotic resistance webquest cheap rarpezit 100 mg online. We suggest that assessment can further institutionalize the aversion to type 1 errors and attendant risk of committing type 2 errors tween 80 bacteria buy rarpezit us. Thus antibiotics for comedonal acne buy rarpezit us, the high consequence and tails of the distribution of climate impacts xkcd antibiotics purchase generic rarpezit line, where experts may disagree on likelihood or where understanding is still limited, can often be left out or understated in the assessment process (Oppenheimer et al. Growing evidence suggests that, partly owing to this treatment of error as well as other processes, consensus scientific assessments to date are likely to underestimate climate disruptions (Brysse et al. A recent paper reviewed the suite of studies that compared past predictions with recent observations of sea level rise, surface temperature increase, melting of Arctic sea ice, permafrost thaw, and hurricane intensity and frequency. Type 2 errors can hinder communication of the full range of possible climate risks to the media, the public, and decision makers who have to justify the basis of their analyses. Thus, such errors have the potential to lead to unnecessary loss of lives, livelihoods, or economic damages. Yet, as Stephen Schneider eloquently highlighted throughout his work, high-consequence, controversial, uncertain impacts are exactly what policy makers and other stakeholders would like to know to perform risk management (National Research Council 2011; Schneider et al. Naturally, varying situations and contexts apply different decision rules in considering type 1 versus type 2 errors, and type 1 error aversion is beneficial in certain circumstances. Thus, the risks through uncertainty in these conditions of postnormal science have material implications. Incomplete presentation of the full possibilities of outcomes (likelihood compounded by consequence) can lead to a lack of preparedness, loss of livelihoods or lives, and economic damage. Error and uncertainty are inherent to all science, scientific inquiry, and policy decision making. Furthermore, various mobilizations of uncertainty and varied interpretations of risk have long played a critical part in ways of making climate change meaningful in civil society. Thus, lessons learned in climate science regarding treatment of uncertainty and type 1/2 errors may also be applicable in other policy-relevant fields, such as medicine. The most recent uncertainty guidance document covers some of the abovementioned steps and states that "findings can be constructed from the perspective of minimizing falsepositive (type 1) or false-negative (type 2) errors, with resultant tradeoffs in the information emphasized" (Mastrandrea et al. Furthermore, the expert elicitation analysis literature is also expanding in its treatment of major climate system uncertainties. Ultimately, awareness among climate scientists of both type 1 and type 2 errors will best advance the field and help provide accurate and nuanced risk assessment for decision makers. Mach for the helpful discussion of the concepts and their comments on the manuscript. Muselli, 2010: Global warming estimates, media expectations, and the asymmetry of scientific challenge. Arnaud, 2012: Contrasting patterns of early twenty-first-century glacier mass change in the Himalayas. Leiserowitz, 2013: the relationship between personal experience and belief in the reality of global warming. Oreskes, 2011: Characterizing uncertainty in expert assessments: Ozone depletion and the West Antarctic ice sheet. Oppenheimer, 2011: Evaluation, characterization, and communication of uncertainty by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change-An introductory essay. It ultimately governs most processes vital to human health and wellbeing: from food and water availability to disease spread and global economics. Attempts to understand the Earth system and how it will change in the future therefore depend on computational models that represent, with varying levels of abstraction, physical, chemical, and biological components of the Earth system and their interactions (Randall et al. Decades of research using such models have resulted in advances in the understanding of many Earth system processes, including the impacts of humans on climate. Models have also produced projections, combining current knowledge of the underlying science with a set of plausible future societal change scenarios to provide information to guide climate change mitigation policy. Agreements between climate models have predominantly occurred for physical phenomena occurring over large spatial scales. However, they disagree in other aspects, such as by how much the world will warm (Oreskes et al. Translocations recombine genes; gene function may be eliminated antibiotic bladder infection cheap 100mg rarpezit with visa, new fusion genes created virus alert lyrics cheap rarpezit 100mg, and regulation damaged such that inactivation antimicrobial home depot discount rarpezit 250mg on-line, activation antibiotic resistance who report 2014 order rarpezit with american express, or up-regulation may occur. Over time, further chromosomal changes (evolution) usually occur in cancers as they progress, causing complex numerical and structural alterations. Although typical evolution is known for some malignancies as in chronic myelogenous leukemia, it is not known for most types of cancer. Cancer Categories Cancers are classified in three major categories: (1) hematologic malignancies, (2) lymphomas, and (3) solid tumors. Although tremendous advances have been made in the study of solid tumors, much more information is known in diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of the leukemias (see Chapters 176 and 177). This is so despite the far greater numbers of solid tumors, because of difficulties in obtaining the appropriate solid tumor tissue, and culturing and obtaining good-quality chromosomes. Nevertheless, because there have been many improvements, many laboratories can perform solid tumor cytogenetics. The number of recognized recurrent chromosome abnormalities in all categories is now large. For many cancers, malignancy behavior, prognosis, and treatment modalities may be determined by the specific chromosomal change(s). This volume presents internationally accepted guidelines for naming and numbering human chromosomes, normal and abnormal. An excellent practical text of medical genetics containing outstanding chapters on basic and clinical cytogenetics. Structural abnormalities that result from errors in embryogenesis or the fetal period are called congenital anomalies. These anomalies, which are also sometimes referred to as major and minor malformations and birth defects, can occur in all organ systems and parts of the body, either in isolation or in association with other anomalies. Severe anomalies are defined as structural anomalies that require medical and/or surgical treatment and are cosmetically significant. Mild anomalies are structural alterations posing no significant health or social burdens. When multiple congenital anomalies occur together and are etiologically related they may result from syndromes, including monogenic (see Chapter 31) and chromosome disorders (see Chapter 34). An association refers to the non-random statistical association of two or more anomalies not known to be etiologically related. A sequence refers to a pattern of congenital anomalies that results from a single primary abnormal event in embryogenesis (malformation), from a single mechanical factor (deformation), or from a disruptive event (disruption). Severe congenital anomalies are identified in 2 to 3% of all newborns born in North America. Higher rates of congenital anomalies are reported in underdeveloped countries and dur-ing periods of famine and war. This rate doubles in the first year of life as congenital anomalies not diagnosed in the neonate become clinically apparent. By 5 years of age, 7 to 10% of all children have been diagnosed with at least one severe congenital anomaly. Some congenital anomalies do not present until adulthood, either causing clinical disease. Those with two mild anomalies have a 10% risk of a severe anomaly, and those with three or more mild anomalies have a 20% risk for a severe anomaly. Congenital anomalies and genetic disorders pose a significant burden on health care services and are important contributors to pediatric morbidity and mortality. In North America, over half of all North American children evaluated in subspecialty medical clinics or admitted to hospitals are seen for treatment of disorders resulting from congenital abnormalities. Two thirds of the deaths of infants and children in pediatric hospitals in developed countries are caused by an underlying congenital anomaly. Genetic disorders and genetic predisposition to certain diseases are major contributors to health care costs at all ages. The rate of congenital anomalies and chromosomal abnormalities is higher in miscarried fetuses and stillborn infants, compared with liveborn infants (Table 35-1). Prenatal screening of pregnancies with maternal serum triple screen markers and ultrasound studies done at 16 to 19 weeks of pregnancy can identify approximately half of all congenital anomalies. Positive screening tests warrant urgent referral to a medical center with expertise in fetal diagnosis and treatment. By the end of 8 weeks post fertilization, the embryo has taken human form and most organs are fully formed and located in their final position in the body. If a course is listed as having an equivalent course virus midwest buy rarpezit 250mg online, students may not receive credit for both courses virus on android order discount rarpezit. A credit normally represents one hour per week of lecture or recitation infection near eye order genuine rarpezit online, or not fewer than two hours per week of laboratory work antimicrobial-induced mania buy cheap rarpezit line, throughout a semester. Advanced undergraduate students may request permission to register for these courses by using the Graduate Course for Undergraduate credit or the Reserve Graduate credit forms. These courses fall into three general categories: transitional, interdisciplinary honors, and special topics. To encourage interaction among students and faculty, many of these courses have smaller class sizes. University Transitions Courses George Mason University 2016-2017 Official University Catalog 155 this series of courses focuses on transition through the various stages of college. University Special Topics Courses Upper-level University courses are open to all students unless specific prerequisites are indicated. A credit normally represents one hour per week of lecture or recitation or not fewer than two hours per week of laboratory work throughout a semester. The number of credit hours is a measure of quantity, while the grade is a measure of quality. Faculty of record must assign a grade to all enrolled students at the end of the semester, term or part of term. Students may also individually elect to take credit without grade, with restriction. This grade may be given to students who are passing a course but who may be unable to complete scheduled course work for a cause beyond reasonable control. Unless the faculty member has specified an earlier deadline, the student must then complete all the requirements by the end of the ninth week of the next semester, not including summer term, and the instructor must turn in the final grade by the end of the 10th week. The extension gives students additional time to complete work; the amount of time is specified by the instructor. This grade may be given in selected courses, including graduate theses, dissertations, practicums, and internships. The reporting period extends from the fifth through the eighth week of the semester, allowing flexibility to individual faculty in providing reports for their classes. Students should check with their instructors as to when reports will be complete and available for viewing through Patriot Web. Students may print a grade report for their own records or to issue to a third party. Official transcripts will not be issued when unsatisfied financial obligations to the university exist. The Antonin Scalia Law School issues transcripts for courses taken as a law student. A quality point score is computed by multiplying the value of a letter grade by the number of credits for the course. Once a final grade has been recorded by the Office of the University Registrar, it can be changed only in cases of computational or recording error, or pursuant to a successful appeal of the grade as described below. Additional work of any type submitted to improve a grade after the final grade has been assigned and sent to the Office of the University Registrar is never accepted. All changes of final grades must be initiated, approved, and recorded by the last day of classes of the next regular semester (spring for fall grades, and fall for spring and summer term grades). If the student is not satisfied, an appeal may be made to the head of the unit offering the course (the department chair, institute director, or designee). The recipient of the appeal should ask the student to return to the faculty member who assigned the grade for further consultation. If the instructor is no longer associated with the university, the local administrator of the unit offering the course will appoint a faculty surrogate, who will assume magisterial authority of the instructor of record at this level of appeal. George Mason University 2016-2017 Official University Catalog 160 If a mutually satisfactory agreement is not reached, the student may request that the chair form a committee of three faculty peers of the faculty member who assigned the grade. The faculty member or the student may challenge and have replaced one of the three members of the committee without giving a reason for the challenge. The committee meets separately with the faculty member and the student to explore the full particulars of the case. Purchase rarpezit with amex. Cloud 9 Extra Large Microfiber Towel - Chemical Guys Car Care. |