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These problems result in poor hand- Etiology Surgical removal of the lens is by far the commonest cause of aphakia impotence treatments cheap 20 mg cialis super active. Spontaneous absorption of the lens in children is observed following penetrating injury or after performing needling for congenital cataract back pain causes erectile dysfunction cheap 20mg cialis super active free shipping. It may occur due to blunt injury or as a result of degeneration of the zonule as found in longstanding cases of anterior uveitis and high myopia erectile dysfunction tampa buy cheap cialis super active 20 mg on line. Clinical Features Deep anterior chamber erectile dysfunction prevalence age order cialis super active 20mg on line, tremulousness of the iris (iridodonesis) and a jet-black pupil (after intracapsular cataract extraction) are the classical signs of aphakia. A scar mark at the limbus or in the peripheral cornea and a coloboma of the iris (if surgical iridectomy is done) are found in surgical aphakia. A hyperaspherical aphakic lens has been developed which increases the field, reduces the magnification and moves the ring scotoma more peripherally. Contact lenses give better coordination and mobility, because the magnification is only 7 to 9% and there is no spherical aberration and jack-in-the-box phenomenon. Correction with contact lenses in patients with monocular aphakia restores some degree of binocular vision. The intraocular lenses are almost free from the disadvantages of aphakic spectacles and contact lenses. There is minimal magnification of the image and practically no optical aberration. Recently, bifocal contact lenses and bifocal intraocular lenses are being made in different designs to provide aphakic corrections. With the development of postoperative iridocyclitis or hyphema in some cases, organized exudates and fibrin are added to the membrane. The anterior lens epithelium makes an abortive attempt to form the lens fibers which are often opaque. However, the presence of a dense after cataract in the pupillary area causes considerable visual impairment. Postoperatively, use of topical steroid and cycloplegic is necessary to prevent anterior uveitis. The incision in the membrane should be given perpendicular to tension lines so that the margins gape widely. Thick after cataract in chidren requires pars plicata membranectomy and vitrectomy. Trauma, high myopia, chronic iridocyclitis, buphthalmos and hypermature cataract are other causes of subluxation of the lens (Table 16. Clinical Features the subluxation of the lens occurs when fibers of the suspensory ligament or the zonule are torn in one segment. Although the lens is displaced opposite to the segment wherein the fibers are torn, it still remains in the pupillary area. An irregular depth of the anterior chamber, tremulousness of the iris and the lens, and presence of both phakic and aphakic pupillary areas (which causes diplopia) are. The edge of the lens in the pupillary area appears as a black crescent on ophthalmoscopy. When all the fibers of the zonule are torn, the lens may float into the anterior chamber or drop in the vitreous (luxation or dislocation of the lens). Subconjunctival dislocation of the lens may occur Diseases of the Lens 271 following traumatic rupture of the sclera. It interferes with the drainage of the aqueous humor and causes secondary glaucoma (phacotopic glaucoma). The lens can be located in the vitreous with the help of an indirect ophthalmoscope. The posteriorly dislocated lens may induce iridocyclitis due to irritation of the ciliary body. When the subluxated lens is clear and does not cause any symptom, spectacle correction is advised; an aphakic correction gives better visual acuity than the phakic. The dislocated lens in the anterior chamber should be removed as early as possible to prevent the peripheral anterior synechia formation. No attempt should be made to fish out the lens from the vitreous cavity as it ends up in gross vitreous loss, retinal break formation and subsequent retinal detachment. In the posterior dislocation of the lens, the accompanied iridocyclitis is treated with cycloplegic, and steroids.

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In health erectile dysfunction at age 18 buy cialis super active with amex, the two layers of pleura are separated by a thin film of serous fluid (pleural fluid) erectile dysfunction losartan generic cialis super active 20mg otc, which allows them to glide over each other erectile dysfunction drugs generic names discount cialis super active 20mg visa, preventing friction between them during breathing erectile dysfunction causes natural cures cheap 20mg cialis super active otc. The double membrane arrangement of the pleura is similar to the serous pericardium of the heart (p. The two layers of pleura, with serous fluid between them, behave in the same way as two pieces of glass separated by a thin film of water. They glide over each other easily but can be pulled apart only with difficulty, because of the surface tension between the membranes and the fluid. If either layer of pleura is punctured, the underlying lung collapses owing to its inherent property of elastic recoil. Interior of the lungs the lungs are composed of the bronchi and smaller air passages, alveoli, connective tissue, blood vessels, lymph vessels and nerves, all embedded in an elastic connective tissue matrix. Within the lungs each pulmonary artery divides into many branches, which eventually end in a dense capillary network around the walls of the alveoli. The walls of the alveoli and the capillaries each consist of only one layer of flattened epithelial cells. The exchange of gases between air in the alveoli and blood in the capillaries takes place across these two very fine membranes (together called the respiratory membrane). They leave the lungs at the hilum and carry oxygenated blood to the left atrium of the heart. The innumerable blood capillaries and blood vessels in the lungs are supported by connective tissue. The blood supply to the respiratory passages, lymphatic drainage and nerve supply is described later (p. Bronchi and bronchioles the two primary bronchi are formed when the trachea divides, at about the level of the 5th thoracic vertebra. The right bronchus this is wider, shorter and more vertical than the left bronchus and is therefore more likely to become obstructed by an inhaled foreign body. After entering the right lung at the hilum it divides into three branches, one to each lobe. After entering the lung at the hilum it divides into two branches, one to each lobe. Each branch then subdivides into progressively smaller airways within the lung substance. Structure the bronchial walls are composed of the same tissues as the trachea, and are lined with ciliated columnar epithelium. The wider passages are called conducting airways because their function is to bring air into the lungs, and their walls are too thick to permit gas exchange. Structural changes in the bronchial passages As the bronchi divide and become progressively smaller, their structure changes to match their function. Cartilage Since rigid cartilage would interfere with expansion of lung tissue and the exchange of gases, it is present for support in the larger airways only. The bronchi contain cartilage rings like the trachea, but as the airways divide, these rings become much smaller plates, and at the bronchiolar level there is no cartilage present in the airway walls at all. Smooth muscle As the cartilage disappears from airway walls, it is replaced by smooth muscle. This allows the diameter of the airways to be increased or decreased through the action of the autonomic nervous system, regulating airflow within each lung. Epithelial lining the ciliated epithelium is gradually replaced with non-ciliated epithelium, and goblet cells disappear. Blood and nerve supply, lymph drainage the arterial supply to the walls of the bronchi and smaller air passages is through branches of the right and left bronchial arteries and the venous return is mainly through the bronchial veins. On the right side they empty into the azygos vein and on the left into the superior intercostal vein (see Figs 5. The vagus nerves (parasympathetic) stimulate contraction of smooth muscle in the bronchial tree, causing bronchoconstriction, and sympathetic stimulation causes bronchodilation (see Ch. Lymph is drained from the walls of the air passages in a network of lymph vessels. It passes through lymph nodes situated around the trachea and bronchial tree then into the thoracic duct on the left side and right lymphatic duct on the other. Functions Control of air entry the diameter of the respiratory passages is altered by contraction or relaxation of the smooth muscle in their walls, thus regulating the speed and volume of airflow into and within the lungs.

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T-helpers are the commonest of the T-lymphocytes; their main functions include: production of special chemicals called cytokines erectile dysfunction doctor manila cheap cialis super active 20 mg on-line. Antibody-mediated (humoral) immunity B-lymphocytes are much less mobile than T-cells erectile dysfunction and high blood pressure discount cialis super active 20mg overnight delivery, and spend much of their time in lymphoid tissue erectile dysfunction medication options generic cialis super active 20mg overnight delivery. B-lymphocytes erectile dysfunction treatment in thailand order 20 mg cialis super active with amex, unlike T-lymphocytes, recognise and bind antigen particles without having to be presented with them by an antigen-presenting cell. Once its antigen has been detected and bound, and with the help of an activated helper T-lymphocyte, the Blymphocyte enlarges and begins to divide (clonal expansion. It produces two functionally distinct types of cell, plasma cells and memory B-cells. Plasma cells these secrete massive quantities of antibodies (immunoglobulins) into the blood. Plasma cells live no longer than a day, and produce millions of molecules of only one type of antibody, which targets the specific antigen that originally bound to the B-lymphocyte. Antibodies: bind to antigens, labelling them as targets for other defence cells such as cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and macrophages bind to bacterial toxins, neutralising them activate complement (p. This antibody is often found in excess in allergy this is the largest and most common antibody type. It attacks many different pathogens, and crosses the placenta to protect the fetus Produced in large quantities in the primary response and is a potent activator of complement Memory B-cells Like memory T-cells, these cells remain in the body long after the initial episode has been dealt with, and rapidly respond to another encounter with the same antigen by stimulating the production of antibody-secreting plasma cells. The interdependence of the two parts of the immune system is summarised in Figure 15. The fact that the body does not normally develop immunity to its own cells is due to the fine balance that exists between the immune reaction and its suppression. Acquired immunity the immune response to an antigen following the first exposure (primary immunisation) is called the primary response. This delayed response reflects the time required to activate the T-lymphocyte system, which then stimulates B-lymphocyte division. Antibody levels start to fall once the infection is cleared, but if the immune system has responded well, it will have generated a population of long-lived memory B-cells, making the individual immune to future infection. The secondary response On subsequent exposures to the same antigen, the immune response is much faster and significantly more powerful, because the memory B-lymphocytes generated after the first infection rapidly divide and antibody production begins almost immediately. Immunity may be acquired naturally or artificially and both forms may be active or passive. Active immunity means that the individual has responded to an antigen and produced his own antibodies, lymphocytes are activated and the memory cells formed provide long-lasting resistance. Active naturally acquired immunity the body may be stimulated to produce its own antibodies by: Having the disease. During the course of the illness, B-lymphocytes develop into plasma cells that produce antibodies in sufficient quantities to overcome the infection. After recovery, the memory Bcells produced confer immunity to future infection by the same antigen. Sometimes the infection is not sufficiently severe to cause clinical disease but stimulates sufficient memory B-cells to establish immunity. In other cases, subclinical infection may be too mild to stimulate an adequate response for immunity to develop. Active artificially acquired immunity this type of immunity develops in response to the administration of dead or live artificially weakened pathogens (vaccines) or deactivated toxins (toxoids). The vaccines and toxoids retain the antigenic properties that stimulate the development of immunity but they cannot cause the disease. In other infections the immunity may last for a number of years or for only a few weeks before revaccination is necessary. Apparent loss of immunity may be due to infection with a different strain of the same pathogen, which has different antigenic properties but causes the same clinical illness. In older or poorly nourished individuals, lymphocyte production, especially B-lymphocytes, is reduced and the primary and secondary response may be inadequate. Passive naturally acquired immunity this type of immunity is acquired before birth by the passage of maternal antibodies across the placenta to the fetus, and to the baby in breast milk.