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By: C. Murak, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.

Vice Chair, California University of Science and Medicine

Lawyer assistance programs should evaluate whether they have an interest in and funding to expand their programming beyond the traditional focus on treatment of alcohol use and mental health disorders erectile dysfunction treatment in allopathy purchase 60mg levitra extra dosage visa. The 2014 Comprehensive Survey of Lawyer Assistance Programs reflects that some well-resourced lawyer assistance programs include services that erectile dysfunction medicine list purchase discount levitra extra dosage on-line, for example erectile dysfunction causes std purchase levitra extra dosage master card, address transition and succession planning erectile dysfunction recreational drugs 60 mg levitra extra dosage otc, career counseling, anger management, grief, and family counseling. It also could reach people who may participate in a health-promotion program but would avoid a prevention program due to social stigma. For example, "Positive Recovery" strategies strive not only for sobriety but also for human flourishing. All lawyer assistance programs should include the following foundational elements to provide effective leadership and services to lawyers, judges, and law students: · A program director with an understanding of the legal profession and experience addressing mental health conditions, substance use disorders, and wellness issues for professionals; · A well-defined program mission and operating policies and procedures; · Regular educational activities to increase awareness and understanding of mental health and substance use disorders; · Volunteers trained in crisis intervention and assistance; · Services to assist impaired members of the legal profession to begin and continue recovery; · Participation in the creation and delivery of interventions; · Consultation, aftercare services, voluntary and diversion monitoring services, referrals to other professionals, and treatment facilities; and · A helpline for individuals with concern about themselves or others. Our current course, one involving widespread disregard for lawyer well-being and its effects, is not sustainable. Studies cited above show that our members suffer at alarming rates from conditions that impair our ability to function at levels compatible with high ethical standards and public expectations. Depression, anxiety, chronic stress, burnout, and substance use disorders exceed those of many other professions. The members of the National Task Force for Lawyer WellBeing urge all stakeholders identified in this report to take action. To start, please review the State Action Plan and Checklist that follows in Appendix A. If you are a leader in one of these sectors, please use your authority to call upon your cohorts to come together and develop a plan of action. Regardless of your position in the legal profession, please consider ways in which you can make a difference in the essential task of bringing about a We have the capacity to create a better future for our lawyers. As a profession, we have the capacity to face these challenges and create a better future for our lawyers that is sustainable. We can do so-not in spite of-but in pursuit of the highest professional standards, business practices, and ethical ideals. This includes an assessment of the leadership and resources required to implement these recommendations. The National Task Force suggests the Chief Justice of each state create a Commission on Lawyer Well-Being in that state and appoint representatives from each stakeholder group to the Commission. Below is a checklist of potential stakeholder representatives the Chief Justice may consider in making appointments. Below is a list of example educational topics for such programming with empirical support. It includes high levels of energy and mental resilience, dedication (which includes a sense of meaningfulness, significance, and challenge), and frequently feeling positively absorbed in work. But when excessive demands or a lack of recovery from demands tip the scale, workers are in danger of burnout. Using this framework as a guide, stakeholders should develop lawyer well-being strategies that focus on increasing individual and organizational resources and decreasing demands when possible. Research has found that 30-40 percent of licensed physicians, 49 percent of medical students, and 60 percent of new residents meet the definition of burnout, which is associated with an increased risk of depression, substance use, and suicidal thinking. It has conducted engagement contributes to , for example, mental health, less stress and burnout, job satisfaction, helping behaviors, reduced turnover, performance, and profitability. It is a stress response syndrome that is highly correlated with depression and can have serious psychological and physiological effects. Workers experiencing burnout feel emotionally and physically exhausted, cynical about the value of their activities, and uncertain about their capacity to perform well. Shanafelt, Physician Burnout: A Potential Threat to Successful Health Care Reform, 305 J. Schaufeli, Do Burnout and Work Engagement Predict Depressive Symptoms and Life Satisfaction? Schwenk, Resident Depression: the Tip of a Graduate Medical Education Iceberg, 314 J. The September 2016 conference was held in Boston with the theme, "Increasing Joy in Medicine. Stressors that pose the greatest risk of harm are those that are uncontrollable, ambiguous, unpredictable, and chronic that we perceive as exceeding our ability to cope. Both personal and environmental factors in the workplace contribute to stress and whether it positively fuels performance or impairs mental health and functioning.

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Bypassing is Innovations to Expand Access and Improve Quality of Health Services 291 considered a strong sign of revealed preference icd 9 code erectile dysfunction due diabetes order 100mg levitra extra dosage with mastercard, given that attending distant facilities takes longer and is more costly sleeping pills erectile dysfunction discount levitra extra dosage 40mg with visa. Leonard erectile dysfunction drugs levitra order levitra extra dosage once a day, Mliga erectile dysfunction doctors in cincinnati buy 60mg levitra extra dosage with mastercard, and Mariam (2002) show that Tanzanian patients travel farther if they can access providers with greater medical knowledge and facilities that are better stocked. In examining the utilization of facilities for delivery, our research finds that 4 in 10 women bypassed local facilities to deliver in hospitals in western Tanzania, despite wide availability of nearby dispensaries that could provide the service (Kruk, Mbaruku, and others 2009). Bypassing was highest among first-time mothers, who were likely motivated by perceived higher risk of first delivery; it was also higher among women who perceived the local clinic to provide low-quality care. We conclude that these data are consistent with high home delivery rates, given that few facilities can provide the quality that women expect. A range of qualitative studies supports the notion that women avoid low-quality facilities and may forgo care altogether if better options are not accessible (Abelson, Miller, and Giacomini 2009; Gilson 2003; Russell 2005). Accreditation is a formal process of assessing whether a health facility meets agreed-upon quality standards; it is typically conducted by an independent body. Published data suggest that accreditation is more common in middle-income countries than in low-income countries. Quimbo and others (2008) find that clinical performance in pediatric care was better in providers who worked in accredited hospitals in the Philippines. An even more influential factor was receipt of insurance payments, which were disbursed, at least in part, on the basis of compliance with clinical practice guidelines-and so could be seen as a payment for performance. In Sub-Saharan Africa, accreditation is still rare, and evidence of its effects is rarer still. Liberia, which is rebuilding its health system after 14 years of civil war, introduced more streamlined tablet-based data collection for accreditation in all 437 facilities in the country as a requirement for receiving funding. Although the baseline data were successfully collected, the follow-up assessment to demonstrate quality improvements has not been completed. However, the initial data showing large deficiencies in laboratory functions spurred national purchase of laboratory equipment (Cleveland and others 2011). Performance-Based Financing One of the potential reasons for poor-quality care may be a mismatch between provider knowledge and the effort providers make when treating patients. A randomized trial in the Philippines tested the effect of a 5 percent salary bonus paid to physicians upon improvement on clinical vignettes-tests of clinical competence (Peabody and others 2014). The study finds improvements in self-reported health and wasting in children under age five years who attended intervention facilities. The authors note that the measurement and feedback to providers about their performance on the clinical vignettes was an essential element of the intervention. The metrics included completed partograms, growth curves, follow-up for missed visits, and mother and child alive on discharge. Others believe that it is at best a 292 Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health partial solution and may create important distractions from more fundamental health system reform, such as expanding the heath workforce and raising the salary floor (Ireland, Paul, and Dujardin 2011). Most agree that the jury is still out about the extent to which paying for performance-apart from raising salaries and increasing oversight-is transformative in improving quality (Basinga, Mayaka, and Condo 2011). Training and Supportive Supervision Supportive supervision is managerial support for frontline health workers, typically through periodic visits from first-level hospitals to peripheral facilities. It is intended to support quality of care and improve provider motivation and retention through nonpunitive review of practices and mentoring. It is popular in many countries where health services are decentralized and where structures to perform supportive supervision exist, at least in theory (Rowe and others 2005). A Cochrane review of the evidence on supportive supervision in general primary care, not solely maternal and child health, is conducted by Bosch-Capblanch, Liaqat, and Garner (2011). They assess nine studies and find generally small benefits for provider practice and knowledge. Hoque and others (2013) find that monthly supportive supervision, combined with Integrated Management of Childhood Illness training, allowed health workers with 18 months of training to provide similar care to providers with four years of training in Tanzania. McAuliffe and others (2013) report that formal systems of supportive supervision were associated with high levels of job satisfaction and low intention to leave among clinical officers in Malawi, Mozambique, and Tanzania. This process involves identifying poor outcomes (for example, postpartum infections) and brainstorming about root and proximal causes. The quality improvement team then identifies causes that are both important and amenable to change and proposes strategies for addressing the cause. First advanced by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, these consist of multiple facility-based teams working in parallel to apply improvement in a single area of care then sharing results and best practices in learning sessions (Шvretveit and others 2002). A 2011 review of 27 collaboratives in 12 countries finds generally positive results with 87.

Prevention erectile dysfunction causes drugs order levitra extra dosage 40mg line, early diagnosis impotence losartan order levitra extra dosage on line amex, and prompt management are essential to avoid longterm visual impairment erectile dysfunction inventory of treatment satisfaction edits cheap 40 mg levitra extra dosage visa. Examination of corneal scrapings erectile dysfunction at the age of 25 buy generic levitra extra dosage 40mg on-line, using Gram and Giemsa stains, may allow identification of the organism, particularly bacteria. Cultures for bacteria, fungi, Acanthamoeba, or viruses should be undertaken at presentation if indicated clinically or later if there is lack of response to treatment. Appropriate therapy is instituted as soon as the necessary specimens have been obtained. It is important that laboratory results are interpreted in conjunction with the clinical picture. Main Risk Factors for Microbial Keratitis Contact lens wear Ocular surface disease Trauma Ocular surgery 1. This is especially true of ulcers caused by opportunistic bacteria (eg, alpha-hemolytic streptococci, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Nocardia, and Mycobacterium chelonae), which often cause indolent corneal ulcers that tend to spread slowly and superficially. Pneumococcal corneal ulcer with iris prolapsing through superior peripheral corneal perforation. Pneumococcal corneal ulcer usually manifests 24­48 hours after inoculation of an abraded cornea. It typically produces a well-circumscribed ulcer that spreads from the original site of infection toward the center of the cornea. The advancing border shows active ulceration and infiltration as the trailing border begins to heal. Scrapings from the leading edge of a pneumococcal corneal ulcer usually contain gram-positive lancet-shaped diplococci. Any concurrent dacryocystitis and nasolacrimal duct obstruction should be treated. Treatment of Microbial Keratitis 283 Pseudomonas aeruginosa Keratitis Pseudomonas corneal ulcer begins as a gray infiltrate at the site of a break in the corneal epithelium (Figure 6­2). The lesion tends to spread rapidly in all directions because of proteolytic enzymes produced by the organisms. Although superficial at first, the ulcer may quickly affect the entire cornea with devastating consequences, including extensive stromal loss, corneal perforation, and intraocular infection. There is often a large hypopyon that tends to increase in size as the ulcer progresses. Pseudomonas corneal infection is usually associated with soft contact lenses, 284 especially overnight wear. Scrapings from the ulcer may contain long, thin, gramnegative rods that are often scanty. Moraxella liquefaciens Keratitis M liquefaciens (diplobacillus of Petit) causes an indolent oval ulcer that usually affects the inferior cornea and progresses into the deep stroma over a period of days. There is usually little or no hypopyon, and the surrounding cornea is usually clear. M liquefaciens ulcer often occurs in a patient with alcoholism, diabetes mellitus, or other causes of immunosuppression. Group A Streptococcus Keratitis Central corneal ulcers caused by beta-hemolytic streptococci have no identifying features. The surrounding corneal stroma is often infiltrated and edematous, and there is usually a moderately large hypopyon. Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, & Alpha-Hemolytic Streptococcus Keratitis Central corneal ulcers caused by these organisms have become more common, many of them in corneas compromised by topical corticosteroid use. The ulcers are often indolent but may be associated with hypopyon and some surrounding corneal infiltration. Infectious crystalline keratopathy (in which the corneal infiltrate has a branching appearance) is typically associated with long-term therapy with topical corticosteroid; the disease is often caused by alpha-hemolytic streptococci as well as nutritionally deficient streptococci. Chlamydial Keratitis 285 All five principal types of chlamydial conjunctivitis (trachoma, inclusion conjunctivitis, primary ocular lymphogranuloma venereum, parakeet or psittacosis conjunctivitis, and feline pneumonitis conjunctivitis) may be accompanied by corneal lesions. Only in trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum, however, are they blinding or visually damaging. The corneal lesions of trachoma have been extensively studied and are of great diagnostic importance. Mild cases of trachoma may have only epithelial keratitis and micropannus and may heal without impairing vision. The rare cases of lymphogranuloma venereum have far fewer characteristic changes but are known to have developed blindness secondary to diffuse corneal scarring and total pannus.


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A licensed inactivated vaccine against hepatitis A is available in Europe; it is available as an investiga158 Agent Summary Statements ­ Viral Agents tional vaccine in the U erectile dysfunction drugs malaysia buy on line levitra extra dosage. Agent: Hepatitis B Virus other uses for erectile dysfunction drugs order levitra extra dosage 40mg with mastercard, Hepatitis C Virus (formerly known as nonA nonB Virus) erectile dysfunction shake ingredients 60mg levitra extra dosage for sale, Hepatitis D Virus Hepatitis B has been one of the most frequently occurring laboratory-associated infections erectile dysfunction and zantac cheap levitra extra dosage 40mg on line,19, and laboratory workers are recognized as a high risk group for acquiring such infections. The prevalence of antibody to hepatitis C is slightly higher in medical care work ers th an in th e gen eral p opu lation. Epid em iologic evidence indicates that hepatitis C is spread predominantly by the parenteral route. Parenteral inoculation, droplet exposure of mucous membranes, and contact exposure of broken skin are th e prim ary lab orato ry haza rds. Hepatitis C virus has been detected primarily in blood and serum, less frequently in saliva and rarely or not at all in urine or semen. It appears to be relatively unstable to storage at room temp erature, re peated freezing an d thawing, etc. Recommended Precautions: Biosafety Level 2 practices, con tainm ent e quipm ent a nd fa cilities are re com me nde d for all activities utilizing known or potentially infectious body fluids and tissues. Additional primary containment and personnel precau159 Agent Summary Statements ­ Viral Agents tions, such as those described for Biosafety Level 3, may be indicated for activities with potential for droplet or aerosol production and for activities involving production quantities or concentrations of infectious materials. Animal Biosafety Level 2 practices, con tainm ent e quipm ent a nd fa cilities are re com me nde d for activities utilizing naturally or experimentally infected chimpanzees or other nonhuman primates. Gloves should be worn when working with in fecte d anim als an d wh en th ere is the lik elihoo d of s kin contact with infectious materials. Licensed recombinant vaccines against hepatitis B are available and are highly recommended for and offe red to labor atory p erso nne l. In m aca que s it is associated with acute vesicular oral lesions, as well as latent and often recrudescent infection. Appropriate immediate first-aid training and supplies and emergency medical support is necessary. Cont amin ation o f broke n skin o r muc ous m emb ranes with oral, ocular, or urogenital secretions from infected macaques during their primary or recredescent infections is also dangerous and has caused at least one occupational fatality. Other alphaherpesviruses are not thought to persist in the environmen t for an y dura tion. The agent also may be present in thoracic and abdominal viscera and nerve tissues of naturally infected macaques. Animals with oral lesions suggestive of active B-virus infection should be identified and handled with extreme cau tion. Guidelines are available for safely working with macaques and should be consulted. To minimize the potential for mucous membrane exposure, 43, some form of barrier must be utilized to prevent droplet splashes to eyes, mouth, and nasal passages. The specifications of the equipment must be balanced with the work to be performed so that the barriers selected do not increase work place risk by obscuring vision and contributing to increased risk of bites, needle sticks, or animal scratches. Human-to-human transmission has been documented in one case, indicating that precautions should be taken with vesicle fluids, oral secretions, and conjunctival secretions of infected persons. Agent: Human Herpesviruses the herpesviruses are ubiquitous human pathogens and are commonly present in a variety of clinical materials submitted for virus isolation. While few of these viruses are demonstrated causes of clinical laboratory-associated infections, they are prim ary as well as oppo rtunis tic pa thog ens, esp ecia lly in im munocomprom ised hosts. Herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2 and varicella virus pose some risk via direct contact and/or aerosols; cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus pose relatively low infection risks to laboratory personnel. Altho ugh this diver se gr oup of ind igeno us vir al age nts d oes not m eet th e crite ria for inclusio n in agen t-specific s umm ary statem ents. Laboratory Hazards: Clinical materials and isolates of herpesvir use s m ay pos e a ris k of in fectio n follo wing inges tion, a ccidental parenteral inoculation, droplet exposure of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, or mouth, or inhalation of concentrated aerosolized materials. Clinical specimens containing 163 Agent Summary Statements ­ Viral Agents the m ore virulen t Herpesvirus simiae (B-virus) may be inadvertently submitted for diagnosis of suspected herpes simplex infection. Cytomegalovirus may pose a special risk during pregnancy because of potential infection of the fetus. Recommended Precautions: Biosafety Level 2 practices, con tainm ent e quipm ent, a nd fa cilities are re com me nde d for activities utilizing known or potentially infectious clinical materials or cultures of indigenous viral agents that are associated or identified as a p rim ary pa thog en of hum an dis eas. Alth oug h the re is little evidence that infectious aerosols are a significant source of laboratory-associated infections, it is prudent to avoid the generation of aerosols during the handling of clinical materials or isolates, or during the necropsy of animals. Agent: Influenza Laboratory-associated infections with influenza are not normally documented in the literature, but by informal accounts and published reports are known to have occurred, particularly when new strains showing antigenic drift or shift are introduced into a laborator y for diagno stic/resea rch purp oses.

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