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By: X. Fadi, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Co-Director, University of Hawaii at Manoa John A. Burns School of Medicine

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Then we realised a lot of people are unaware of breast cancer and the symptoms and only learn of them once a loved one is diagnosed with it erectile dysfunction without drugs buy 400 mg levitra plus with amex. Empowering Patients and Care Givers Quality of cancer care Cancer Vigilance in Primary Healthcare: Nationwide Series of Courses on Primary Prevention impotence new relationship order levitra plus overnight delivery, Screening and Dealing With Anticancer Treatment Complications and Cancer Pain M erectile dysfunction late 20s cheap levitra plus. In 2015 latest erectile dysfunction drugs discount levitra plus 400 mg on-line, the malignant cancer registries in Poland received information on over 163,000 new incidence cases and more than 100,000 deaths due to cancer. The idea of the program is to enhance skills of primary health care providers (family doctors) to provide primary prevention interventions, encouraging their patients to do screening, and to deal with cancer treatment complications and pain. Aim: the aim of the project is to increase motivation and competence of primary healthcare providers in following areas of cancer control: primary prevention, screening and early detection, taking medical care of patients during and after cancer treatment. Strategy/Tactics: the course is divided into three stages (theoretical lectures, practical workshops in small groups and e-learning). The target group are physicians (except for oncologists and dentists) from all over Poland, in particular doctors used in primary health care facilities (minimum 40% of participants), used in medical entities. After completing the courses, participants gets educational points and receive two certificates - certificate of completion for course and certificate of completion for course of treatment of tobacco dependence syndrome, which is required for contracting such treatment with the National Health Fund in Poland. Educational materials for patients were provided to all doctors: 200 brochures (12 Ways to Health. European Code Against Cancer), 200 leaflets on early detection on skin cancer, 150 nicotine dependence tests, 150 motivation to quit smoking tests. Program process: the first phase was conducted through year 2017 and it consisted of 5 trainings (100 participants each), the second phase - small group workshops (up to 16 participants) through year 2018. What was learned: There is a huge need to educate primary health care doctors in providing care to cancer patients during and after oncological treatment. The first part of course (lectures) obtained high evaluation notes from participants. As per their declaration especially important for them was anti-pain treatment and dealing with complications of cancer itself, as well as tobacco dependence treatment and deal with overweight and obesity. Mohamed Friends of Cancer Patients, Beneficiary Support, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates Amount raised: 300,000 Emirati Dirhams (81,675 U. Background and context: Friends of Cancer Patients came to learn about the case of a 3-year-old boy with leukemia, whose parents required financial support to be able to afford to continue his treatment. To accomplish this, we approached the employees of a company, with whom we had a prior relationship. Strategy/Tactics: To fund raise the amount of 300,000 which was needed by the child, we attempted to do so through storytelling, however, we decided to not only focus on the childґs medical condition, but we also tried to tell it in such a way that would make people get to know him, and his family better. Further, each climber from the company also told a story in their own way, they all explained how each and every one of us has been affected by cancer in one way or another, and they also specified how it affected them personally. Program process: the fundraising campaign took part over the period of three months, and as a result of the attention, and the reach that the climbers were able to achieve, we were receiving emails from places such as Saudi Arabia, U. Overall, by the time the climbers had returned from Mount Everest, we had fundraised 100,000 more than what we expected, all through the word of mouth, and storytelling. Furthermore, after the conclusion of this event, we have started utilizing a similar model of fundraising, which has brought much greater returns to Friends of Cancer Patients. Okafor Sebeccly Cancer Care and Support Center, Lagos, Nigeria Amount raised: the 1K4Cancer campaign raised a total of $18,099. Over 90% of Nigerian cancer patients pay for healthcare expenses out-of-pocket; putting a heavy strain on their finances and those of their caregivers. Sebeccly is a cancer charity that enables cancer care access to indigent cancer patients through several fundraising modalities, one of which is the 1K4Cancer. The campaign is a cancer drug fund and crowd fundraiser that appeals for a minimum donation worth $2. Launched in October 2012 (for 3 months), and relaunched in March 2018, 1K4Cancer provides treatment aid to breast cancer patients. Aim: To raise funds and provide access to cancer care to indigent breast cancer patients. Strategy/ Tactics: the 1K4Cancer campaign reaches out to individuals/organizations by leveraging on social media, relationship management with donors and several 1K4Cancer ambassadors to engage networks to raise funds to support cancer treatment and screening services. This strategy has an online and offline component, with the offline driving the online component.

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A number of untoward effects were also reported by the users: perceptual disturbances (78 percent) benadryl causes erectile dysfunction order 400mg levitra plus with amex, restlessness (76 percent) erectile dysfunction commercial bob order levitra plus online from canada, disorientation (63 percent) sudden erectile dysfunction causes order levitra plus online now, anxiety (61 percent) erectile dysfunction best treatment cheap levitra plus 400mg on-line, paranoia (34 percent), hyperexcitability (27 percent), irritability (22 percent), mental confusion (22 percent), and partial amnesia (18 percent). Taken together, individuals reported experiencing negative or untoward effects in all intoxications and positive or desired effects in only 60 percent of the intoxications. The undesired effects included: disturbances in time perception (38 percent), nervousness and irritability (38 percent), perceptual disturbances (31 percent), fatigue or lassitude (27 percent), and memory disturbances (25 percent). Overall, chronic negative effects experienced in all intoxications, while positive effects were experienced inapproximately 74 percent of the intoxications. The definition of the word hallucination (which comes from the Latin Hallucinari, meaning to prate, to dream, or to wander in mind) is far from precise. Visual changes included macropsia and micropsia, while tactile changes included numbness and paresthesias. The most common thinking disturbances have been described in the literature as "loosening of association," "overinclusive thoughts," "concreteness," "delusional thinking," and general "disorganization" Associated with these phenomena are "negativism" and "hostility. Surprisingly, the impulse regulation scale, an indicator of hostility and violence, was usually the lowest point on the profile. Complaints here included skin sensations, nausea, dizziness, and difficulty with speech, memory, concentration, ability, coordination and motor control. In the 1976 film, Family Plot, Alfred Hitchcock depicted a kidnap victim sedated with a little-known drug called ketamine. Once again the cultural productions of man acted as a barometer of the social times, as the Seventies are witnessing a growing problem of ketamine abuse. Marketed under the names Ketalar (Parke Davis and Company), Ketaject (Bristol Laboratories and Ketavet (for veterinary purposes), ketamine is rapidly emerging recreational street drug. Anesthesiologists endorsed its use initially because surgical patients remained 132 physiologically very strong and required little support of vital processes. Gradually the clinical experience demonstrated that ketamine produced a number of complications from which it was originally claimed to be free. The complications included: "severe laryngospasm and respiratory arrest in neonates, cardiac arrest secondary to respiratory depression in an adult, severe airway obstruction with vaniting and aspiration in children, and hysterical postanesthetic reaction" (Clin-Alert 1971). Indeed, these latter emergence reactions have been variously described as "confusional states," "vivid dreaming," "hallucinations," and "preseizure and seizure activity. Indeed, the drug enjoyed popularity among surgeons as the most widely used battlefield anesthetic in Vietnam. Doenicke and co-workers (1969) reported on the phenomenology of this reaction when it was not suppressed by other medications. Most of their subjects stated that the dream period and hallucina133 tory phase was "pleasant" and a typical description of the intoxication follows: During the first subjective experience, I imagined myself in a complicated system of pipes which reminded me of an oil refinery. Some time later, I was first able to perceive acoustic impressions from my surroundings, which previously had been missing. The voices of the people present in the room sounded distant, but yet loud and resounding. Rumpf and colleagues (1969) found their subjects described ketamine hallucinations as "utopic," "phantastic," "unreal," or "mysterious. This these continued for over 2 hours 134 into the awake phase during which he thought that he was speaking Italian. Six months later he had not experienced any similar dreaming or spontaneous phenomena but still remembered the episode vividly" (p. In particular, subjects have impairment in organizing and understanding the enviroment during emergence reactions. But few, if any researchers have documented the long term consequences of continued use of this drug. In preclinical animal studies, chronic ketamine administration results in abnormal brain wave activity, and withdrawal is marked by progressive increases in epileptiform activity without gross behavioral manifestations (Manchar, Maxwell and Winters 1972). A number of studies have documented recurrent hallucinations following ketamine anesthesia as well as flashbacks (Fine and Finestone 135 1973; Perel and Davidson 1976), and some have even suggested, albeit weakly, resulting psychoses (Johnson 1971). Indeed, a number of psychiatric investigators have utilized continued treatment with ketamine to create abreactive effects in psychotherapy and research settings. All subjects in the sample met the initial requirement for having used ketamine more than once in the last year. Subjects were approximately equally divided between men and women, 21-45 years of age, and were examined and tested in the manner described in the phencyclidine section of this chapter.

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