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By: E. Grompel, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Vice Chair, West Virginia University School of Medicine

Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative 1 8 Using Video For activities in which the technology is expected to allow a qualitative change hypertension with pregnancy generic 50 mg moduretic amex, video taping may provide a way to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention with more objectivity arrhythmia order moduretic amex. The student may be video taped doing the activity under several conditions hypertension pathophysiology generic 50mg moduretic overnight delivery, one of which is with the assistive technology arrhythmia jobs buy moduretic 50 mg low cost, or video taped periodically over time using the same assistive technology to see if there are changes in performance. Observers who are unfamiliar with the student, the task, and the technology can then be invited to view the tapes and indicate in which segment the student appears to be doing the "best. If it draws too much attention away from the activity that you want to observe, it may not be a viable option. Glanz (1998) suggests that multimedia data is particularly strong when it is used with other valid and reliable data collection methods. Tara, who had mild cerebral palsy, was having an extremely difficult time in fifth grade. She never completed written assignments during school time and did poorly on all of the classroom tests. Her parents worked with her at home every evening and sent in her completed homework that had been done on the computer. Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative 49 Using Video the teacher began to believe that the parents were actually doing the homework because there was such a discrepancy in performance between what Tara produced at school and the homework that was returned. In addition, previous psychological testing indicated that Tara might not be capable of doing the homework that was being sent to school. After much discussion, the parents decided to video tape Tara using the computer at home and bring it to school to share during a second parent conference. After viewing the video tape, the teacher and parents agreed to allow Tara to use a classroom computer at several times during the day and to seek an assistive technology consultation to see if there was software that might speed up the writing process for Tara. She is now using both tools successfully and is completing most of her assignments at school. Summary Video taping, and when appropriate, audio taping can be extremely useful tools in documenting change. Video taping or audio taping a student reading in September and again in June may provide striking qualitative evidence of reading growth. Even still photographs can communicate graphic changes in posture, attention, and engagement. A picture of a child enthusiastically showing a book she just created can communicate a lot. Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative 1 9 Identifying Variables That Can Be Measured If you are reviewing a finished product, you can measure changes in quantity and/or quality of that product. This section will discuss measuring changes that can be measured while observing the student; these include changes in speed, accuracy, spontaneity, duration and latency. If a student completed five math problems and they were all correct, that sounds very good. The rate or speed at which a student is able to complete a task may be very significant in answering questions about assistive technology. Therefore, the information collected needs to include both how many times something occurred and over what period of time it occurred. For example, if a student takes two hours to complete a 200 word paper using the standard keyboard but can complete the same length of paper in 40 minutes using a modified keyboard, the impact the assistive technology had on the speed can be computed by calculating words per minutes. For the student using a communication device, if a device with icon prediction shortens the time it takes her to locate the next symbol in a sequence, then it might be expected that she will be able to communicate a message more quickly with icon prediction than without it. Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative 51 Identifying Variables That Can Be Measured Jeff was a high school student with a severe reading disability. He was very bright and planned to go on to college, but he struggled with many academic tasks. He used a computer with word prediction software and text to speech software to complete his assignments and to read scanned text. He had a great deal of difficulty when he needed to complete reports that required that he obtain quotes or research from sources in the library. He and his team decided they needed to find a simple tool that would help him with this task before he finished high school.

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The doxa of gayness and of the closet means that the revelationofasame-sexliaisonappearsastherevelationofatrueself pulse pressure by age discount moduretic 50 mg on-line. Anything less than an open admission of gayness pulse pressure map order on line moduretic, or at least bisexuality prehypertension and alcohol trusted moduretic 50mg,onthepartofthepersonatthecenterofsucharevelation isunderstoodimplicitlytobeaninstanceof"theladydothprotesttoo much hypertension nursing assessment buy cheap moduretic 50mg on-line. Themainstream media learned from this model, and adapted it to the needs of the status quo. Mainstream media outing is done simultaneously as the policingofnormativeboundariesandtheexposureofhypocrisy. Our doxa of sexual orientation includes an interesting and exacting mode of personal honor. Regardlessofgeneraltendenciestobeattractedtoonebiologicalsex or another, it is truly possible in some cases to love and desire a specific person regardless of plumbing. Inanerainwhichwearealsoseeing an interesting mainstream middle ground coalesce along the borderlinesofheterosexualandhomosexual-theturfof"bromance," "bicurious," and "heteroflexible"-we can see the open acknowledgement of conflicting desires. In one sense, such terms representnothingmorethanthesameoldbidtoclaimtheemotional anderoticopportunitiesinherentina"widestance"whileretainingthe optionofshelteringunderthesturdyroofofstraightness. Inanother way,overtlyclaimingamiddleground(albeitwithmorethanawhiff of entitlement to hetero privilege) is an exciting venture beyond the binary. Artificial insemination of a human was documented as earlyas1790byanatomistJohnHunterandwaslikelypracticedeven earlier, but the removal of sexual activity from the begetting of childrenwasasubjectfitonlyforsciencefictionasrecentlyas1932, when Aldous Huxley depicted the Fertilization Rooms and baby factories of hisBrave New World. The Catholic Church has been particularly hostile to nonsexual methods of conception, contending that they, like contraception, separate conception from "the marriage act" in a way that was contrary to "laws written into the actual nature of man and of woman. This seems to be due in no small measure to the fact that reproductive technologyexponentiallymultipliesthechancesforpeoplewhocould notdoitotherwise,includingsame-sexcouplesandsingleparents,to havechildren. Placingsemenintoavaginaisnot exactly a complicated task, and it does not have to be done with a penis. Whenclinical-gradefertilitytechnologybecameavailabletolesbian would-bemothers,however,muchofthegeneralpublicreactedasifa brand new monstrosity had shown up overnight. Outsourcing the begetting and gestation of children, it seems, triggers some remarkable insecurities. On the surface this seems strange,sincechildcarehastraditionallybeenhandedovertoothers asamatterofroutine,beginningvirtuallyatthemomentofbirthinthe cases of wet-nurses, foundling homes, and indeed infant adoptions. Overnight, it seemed that women could call allthe reproductive shots: they could choose the sperm they wanted, get pregnant, bear their babies, and raise them, all without having to so muchasshakehandswithaman. Commonastheyhavebeen,however,wehavehistoricallyregarded husbandless households as anomalies, prone to producing problems 188 likebossyandforwardgirls. Althoughhands-on fatherhoodandeventhe"stay-at-homedad"phenomenonseemtobe gaining respectability currently (particularly in socially liberal countrieslikeSweden),thebeliefthatwomenareinherentlymorefit to parent is so deeply entrenched that inAmerica many people are underthemistakenimpressionthatthelawrequiresdivorcingmothers tobegivencustodyofanychildren. Theresultsofthematrixofeconomic,social,and civic privilege that has developed around the heterosexual nuclear household have long been taken as proof that such households are somehow inherently better and more successful. There are many, including the nonprofit advertising agency Campaign for Our Children, who continue to claim, using billboards, bus-side advertisements, radio, and more, that children of married parents are better off simply because their parents are married. It is more important that there be enough parents to go around than it is that those parents be of particular biologicalsexes. The desire to mate with an opposite-sex partner to form such a family was, according to Krafft-Ebing, what made a person "heterosexual. But when gametes can beharvestedbyneedleandthesparkoflifetransmittedinapetridish, whenchildrencanbesuccessfullyandhappilyrearedbyparentswho are not parts of a male-female dyad, then the monolith of heterosexualitylosestwolargeblocksfromitsfoundation. What these brave new families will mean to the future of heterosexuality,ofcourse,itismuchtoosoontosay. Nevertheless,it is no longer really plausible, if indeed it ever was, to claim that heterosexuality is necessary for the creation of families and for the generationandrearingofchildren. Doesheterosexualityneedfamilies and children to help validate its existence more than families and childrenneedheterosexualitytovalidatetheirs? Hismarriages tended not to work out well, and his last wife was abusive enough thatTiptonendedupraisinghisyoungestchildasasolofather. Hewas alovingparent,though,andhemanagedtomakeaconsistentlivingin a notoriously fickle industry, not small things. The three children were biologically unrelated, both to one another and to their parents, and none were ever legally adopted. The parents were never legally married and were, in fact, both of the same biological sex.

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The petitioner and the alien must provide clear and convincing proof that the alien qualifies for an exception blood pressure essentials cheap moduretic online. Clear and convincing proof shall consist of evidence such as arrival and departure records arrhythmia cure buy 50 mg moduretic amex, copies of tax returns blood pressure medication effect on heart rate purchase 50mg moduretic overnight delivery, and records of employment abroad arrhythmia katawa shoujo generic 50mg moduretic with mastercard. Except in those petitions involving new offices, supporting documentation is not required, unless requested by the director. If the petitioner in an approved blanket petition fails to request indefinite validity or if indefinite validity is denied, the petitioner and its other qualifying organizations shall seek L classification by filing individual petitions until another three years have expired; after which the petitioner may seek approval of a new blanket petition. The total period of stay may not exceed five years for aliens employed in a specialized knowledge capacity. When an alien was initially admitted to the United States in a specialized knowledge capacity and is later promoted to a managerial or executive position, he or she must have been employed in the managerial or executive position for at least six months to be eligible for the total period of stay of seven years. The change to managerial or executive capacity must have been approved by the Service in an amended, new, or extended petition at the time that the change occurred. Such filing may be made with an immigration officer at a Class A port of entry located on the United States-Canada land border or at a United States pre-clearance/pre-flight station in Canada. If the petition or certificate of eligibility is clearly deniable, the immigration officer will accept the petition (with fee) and the petitioner shall be notified of the denial, the reasons for denial, and the right of appeal. For the purposes of this provision, the appropriate Service Center will be the one within the same Service region as the location where the application for admission is made. Delays caused by academic probation or suspension are not acceptable reasons for program extension; and (C) He or she is able to , and in good faith intends to , continue to maintain that status for the period for which the extension is granted.

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