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By: W. Seruk, M.S., Ph.D.

Co-Director, University of Illinois College of Medicine

Calculation of body burden from the tissue samples was not done; in some cases menstrual 3 weeks buy cheap duphaston 10 mg online, only a few samples had been obtained womens health ct cheap duphaston online american express. In regard to menstrual quotes buy generic duphaston 10mg on-line distribution of plutonium in the body women's health clinic westmead hospital buy duphaston 10 mg, the tissue samples, ranked in Los Alamos Science Number 23 1995 216 the Human Plutonium Injection Experiments the most frequent order of descending plutonium concentrations, were respiratory lymph nodes, lungs, liver, and bone. In the two cases where urine assays definitely indicated a significant positive exposure and analyses of both lymph nodes and bone were possible, the lymph nodes had plutonium concentrations 50 times higher per gram of tissue than the bone. Thus, inhalation exposures resulted in the entry of plutonium into the respiratory lymph nodes, a phenomenon that should obviously not have been seen (and was not seen) in the injection studies. A method was needed that eliminated suspect data and then weighted all the remaining data in the determination of the effective dose, or body burden, and the effective exposure time for the Langham power-function. Basically, the work period was split into intervals between urine samplings and each interval was treated as a separate exposure incident. Using the Langham power function, the dose for that interval was calculated from the observed increase of plutonium in the urine over what was expected from previous exposures. If there was no increase, the exposure for that interval was set to zero, and if there was a decrease from what was expected, the previous data point was rejected, which helped eliminate contaminated samples (later versions of the code rejected data more than 2 standard deviations from the expected value). The total excretion at any given moment was then effectively the sum of many Langham power functions, one for each interval, each on its own time scale. The retained plutonium at any given time was the sum of all the original exposures corrected for excretion losses. Individual assay points could fluctuate greatly (because of analytical variations, contamination, or physiological changes). It should be emphasized that this approach, or any approach based on the excretion equations, was pertinent only for plutonium that had entered the blood stream and could be excreted by the kidneys. The program could, thus, calculate an effective measure of internalized plutonium, but the result did not give any indication of how much plutonium might be trapped in the lungs. Only when such plutonium had worked its way into the blood stream would a fraction of it appear as excreted plutonium. However, we now know that the overestimate is due to long-term urinary excretion that is truly higher than what is predicted by the Langham model. Additional Data from the Plutonium Patients In 1969, Patricia Durbin, a biophysicist at the University of California, Berkeley, was involved with metabolic work on various radioisotopes, including americium, that led her to the published work on plutonium. Wanting to learn more, she began investigating the records and data on the plutonium human injections and trying to locate further information about the patients. John Howard, an administrator at the University of California Medical Center in San Francisco, she said: Most of the patients injected with Pu were studied at other hospitals around the country, and although most were elderly and expected to have short life expectancies at the time of injection, some were misdiagnosed. As a result, the human data thus obtained was classified "Secret", and so it remained for some years. All efforts to follow up on those persons who had been Number 23 1995 Los Alamos Science 217 the Human Plutonium Injection Experiments injected ceased abruptly, and no other human being has been deliberately injected with Pu since. Gradually the classification was downgraded, and the bulk of the data now appear in the open literature. Today, the production of Pu is enormous, and all indications are that it will increase. More people in the nuclear energy field are being exposed to Pu and more are expected to be world-wide. Still- all of our knowledge about Pu behavior in man rests on the sketchy results [of] the patients injected in the early days. Durbin felt that, meager as they were, the human plutonium data, gathered 25 years before, represented nearly all their "human plutonium experience. Durbin visited many of the people associated with the plutonium work, including Langham and Christine Waterhouse who, in 1971, still saw two of the surviving Rochester plutonium patients. She and Waterhouse discussed the possibility of obtaining further excretion and blood samples and of performing physical examinations and other tests. The motivation behind the study of long-term excretion was, of course, to determine the radiation dose to a person who had had an intake of plutonium. In 1972, Durbin brought all the known information about the patients together and summarized the data in a review 218 article. Because the excretion rate out to several thousand days appeared to have several regions with different slopes, Durbin felt these regions might be related to physiological changes, and she fit both the urinary and fecal data to equations that were a sum of exponentials, one for each region. Durbin attributed the increase mainly to the fact that she had used data only from patients with normally functioning excretory systems (to better model healthy workers). Durbin summarized the dynamics of plutonium in the body as follows: Pu initially present in soft tissues other than liver is cleared rapidly; the major fraction is redistributed to bone and liver, and a small fraction is excreted.

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The subunit is about 37 ac (15 ha) in size on the southern end of Sandy Island and is owned by the Oregon Department of State Lands womens health nurse practitioner salary purchase duphaston 10 mg amex. The Southwest Quad is an old dredge spoil disposal field located just outside of the perimeter fence at Portland International Airport women's health center rockford il generic 10mg duphaston mastercard, south of Runway 10R and west of Runway 3/21 pregnancy yoga classes order genuine duphaston online. The habitat is open with a sandy substrate and low-stature vegetation; breeding at the site has been documented menopause 2 periods in a month cheapest duphaston. The area around the western end of Runway 10R is flat, lowstature grass fields; streaked horned larks have been seen foraging in this area. The Southwest Quad and Runway 10R are on the grounds of Portland International Airport, which is owned by the Port of Portland. Broughton Beach is a narrow, sandy beach on the Columbia River and is not within the boundaries of Portland International Airport. Streaked horned lark sightings at Broughton Beach are frequent, and large mixed-subspecies flocks are seen there often during the fall and winter; Broughton Beach is owned by Metro, the regional governing body in the Portland area. Due to the proximity of these sites to active runways, the sites are managed for air traffic safety; preventing the development of dense vegetation and pooling water, which could attract hazardous wildlife. These management activities unintentionally maintain the appropriate habitat characteristics for streaked horned larks. Unit 4: Willamette Valley-Streaked Horned Lark In the Willamette Valley, we are proposing to designate eight subunits. Four subunits are on municipal airports, three subunits are on the Willamette Valley National Wildlife Refuge Complex, and one subunit is a private habitat restoration site. All of the subunits were occupied at the time of listing and contain the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the species that may require special management considerations or protection. There have been no recent detections of streaked horned larks on the site; the most recent records of streaked horned lark occupancy are from 2004. We presume that Coffeepot Island is still occupied by nesting streaked horned larks, as we have no reason to believe they have been extirpated since the last survey attempt. However, as we acknowledge it is uncertain whether the site is currently occupied by the species due to the lack of recent survey effort, we have evaluated Coffeepot Island as if it is unoccupied, and have determined that it is nonetheless essential to the conservation of the species to provide connectivity between nesting populations of streaked horned larks in the Columbia River to insure genetic connectivity. Army Corps of Engineers is interested in using it as such, and the island is presently too vegetated to provide the sparse vegetation needed for streaked horned lark nesting. The site will require future restoration management activities to restore and maintain the low vegetative structure required by the streaked horned lark. The subunit is a small spit at the southern end of Whites/Browns Island and is about 98 ac (39 ha) in size. Army Corps of Engineers for dredge material disposal as part of its maintenance of the Columbia River shipping channel. This site is currently occupied and provides the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the subspecies. Whites/Browns Island supports one of the largest populations of streaked horned larks in the lower Columbia River islands. Special Management will be needed to address threats to the essential features at the Willamette Valley airports including development, mowing during the nesting season, and intermittent training activities. All of the airports inadvertently maintain habitat for streaked horned larks as a result of their management to minimize attracting hazardous wildlife. None of the Willamette Valley airports has developed a management plan to address conservation of the streaked horned lark; special management of these sites would require avoidance or minimization of mowing in the streaked horned lark nesting areas during the breeding season. The three subunits on the Willamette Valley National Wildlife Refuge Complex are managed mainly to provide forage for wintering dusky Canada geese (Branta canadensis occidentalis), which is compatible with maintaining the essential features for streaked horned larks. The refuge complex has incorporated management for streaked horned larks into its recently completed Comprehensive Conservation Plan, and streaked horned lark habitat conservation is being implemented in the refuge units. Management for native prairies and vernal wetlands at this site provide habitat for streaked horned larks. This subunit is currently occupied and contains the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the subspecies. It has both the open landscape context and the sparse low-growing vegetation required by streaked horned larks, and there have been observations of streaked horned larks along the east runway and in the field to the east of the runways during the breeding season. The primary threat to the essential features at this subunit is mowing during the breeding season, which could destroy nests and young; special management is needed to coordinate mowing to minimize impacts to streaked horned larks during the breeding season.

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