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By: W. Vasco, M.A., M.D.

Co-Director, New York University Long Island School of Medicine

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I see that 151 that mad add to some of the 152 confusion that comes from the learning 153 disability, and the learning 154 disability is the auditory processing 155 difficulty, so trying to sit in a 156 class, take all the notes, get all the 157 information and process it, she really 158 needs to have it read back to her, she 159 needs to be able to look at it. That 167 to me is the biggest thing is really 168 234 the processing problem and the 169 difficulty in being able to scan 170 through a document quickly enough to 171 realize that on, okay, this is where I 172 need to make changes, this is how I 173 need to change this paper. It might take someone 175 else a couple of hours to write a 176 paper, and it might taker her four or 177 five hours which includes having 178 someone else proof it, go back over 179 re-write it. So 202 she has the ability, I think way, the 203 capability is beyond, above and beyond 204 what she may have expressed to me. I need to be 226 motivated, I need to build my 227 self-esteem and I need to make sure 228 that somebody is following through 229 with me on my schoolwork. I would refer that person off 267 to an academic specialist or to some one 268 who specializes in placing people in 269 colleges. My background is a combination 301 psychology, sociology, education and 302 law with a heavy emphasis on behavior 303 assessment and organization 304 development over the last 20 years. Okay, you tell me 307 what your needs are, and if the needs 308 are I need someone to help me figure 309 out what school I should go to because 310 of my difficulty, then I refer off, or 311 I might say, what are you going to do? The accommodation 330 at this particular community college 331 is stronger and better than the ones 332 237 at the other school. I might check with them for 343 those who are in that process two or 344 three times a week for ten or 15 345 minutes, how many schools did you hit 346 today? There 411 are thousands and thousands of coaches 412 in general, the generic coach name. With 448 the students that I wo9rk with, and I 449 work with people at all levels, but 450 the student, the academic coaching is 451 not tutoring. Coaching is a 454 process-oriented - not 455 content-oriented as a tutor would do, 456 so that what my role is with a student 457 is to have them tell me what do you 458 have to today now are you going to go 459 about accomplishing that? Build 466 that in and come up with a plan, a 467 daily plan, and a weekly plan. What we do at the high 487 school level is recommend that in 488 addition to the coaching that I might 489 d o twice a week, that there is a 490 teacher or a counselor there at the 491 school to pat Joey on the shoulder, 492 for instance and say, how are you 493 doing today? Are you ready to head out for 495 240 the day and go home and hit the 496 homework? Somebody to make contact, 498 to click in and get that brain 499 thinking in the direction of what do I 500 have to do today? So, it would be 650 -$ wonderful if that type of service was 651 offered on every campus in this 652 country. But not having a license 759 can give coaches flexibility that can 760 be good or bad. We are working as a 761 coaching community, the International 762 Coach Federation, trying to figure out 763 how we can get credentialing set up 764 for coaches so that people feel more 765 comfortable, that they know what a 766 245 coach has gone through in order to get 767 to the other side. How do you optimally manage the incoming flow of critically ill and injured patients? Presented in an easy-to-follow design, key information in the chapters is presented in box format among five categories: General Concepts Action Items Communication Advice Disaster Tips Case Study xii the icons associated with these categories appear throughout the book to guide readers to the type of information they need. The development of this book could not have been possible without the continued involvement of the individuals listed as contributors. They are experts in critical care medicine and disaster response, and we thank them for their time and dedication to the project. Case Study: A Real Tragedy On February 20, 2003, a fire broke out in a crowded nightclub in West Warwick, rhode Island. More than 450 people were in the nightclub; about half were injured from burns, smoke inhalation, and trauma resulting from trampling. Within the first hours, more than 40 critically ill patients were transported to the nearest hospital two miles away.

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Consequently antibiotics for lower uti purchase zitroken 100 mg mastercard, the availability heuristic dictated that decision-makers would initially see the ebola epidemic as easily contained and inconsequential antibiotics uti buy discount zitroken on line. As a result of the availability heuristic bacteria kingdom facts buy zitroken 250mg without prescription, modern humans may be pre-disposed towards an initial base state that emphasizes the excessively benign (or minimalist) pole of the distribution of possibilities antibiotics making me tired cheap zitroken line, wherein epidemics are thought to be rare, and typically inconsequential. Thus, probability neglect may also contribute to a state of apathy among policymakers regarding the containment of epidemics. This often results in the widespread use of the availability heuristic in combination with probability neglect to generate a bi-modal response, one of denial and apathy, or of fear and overreaction. The manifestation of an epidemic would induce panic in the afflicted population, and yet when the affliction had passed the populace would soon return to life as if nothing untoward had occurred. For the catastrophe was so overwhelming that men, not knowing what would next happen to them, became indifferent to every rule of religion or law. Our pitiful Florence now looks like nothing but a town which has been stormed by the infidels and now forsaken. Thus the present is torment, the future menace, so we contend with death and only live in fear and trembling. The clean fine streets which formerly teemed with rich and noble citizens are now stinking and dirty. Shops and inns are closed, at the factories work has ceased, the law courts are empty, the laws are trampled on. Richard Evans notes that the march of cholera across Europe was "marked by a string of riots and disturbances in almost every country it affected. Riots, massacres and the destruction of property took place across Russia, swept through the Habsburg Empire. The most popular villains were Polish agents and foreigners in general, though both physicians and government officials were also included. By mid-summer a mass phobia had set in which affected the educated and the illiterate alike. In order to illustrate this point, we conducted a brief review of the way in which three select pathogens were covered in international print media and explored by the academic community. Although many databases like it exist, Academic Search Complete was an obvious choice because it contains references from 10,110 peer-reviewed journals in a wide variety of humanities, science, and social science fields. Our hypothesis, that media is primarily interested in the threat of dangerous pathogens as an acute threat, was clearly supported by the data. Following the containment of a given outbreak, media interest again declines significantly. Ebola is perhaps the most striking example of this trend, as the LexisNexis search identified only nineteen news articles written on the pathogen prior to February 2014, and 972 published since the West African outbreak began. As the scatter plot below illustrates, the news media was apathetic to the threat of all three pathogens prior to the onset of an acute epidemic. A plateau in coverage set in from 2007 to 2012-13 when coverage once gain increased to reflect mounting cases of bird flu in Asia (193 written 2007-present). Academic Search Complete revealed 1,101 references containing "ebola" from 1995-2013, an average of approximately 61 publications per year. This scholarship increased by an order of magnitude following the epidemic in West Africa, as 646 publications focused on Ebola in 2014, and 988 references have already been cataloged for 2015. Presumably this is due to the sustained history of recent human and animal outbreaks of avian influenza. During times of epidemic disease the general population typically takes its cues from the media as to what constitute threats to their security at a given moment. Thus, the bi-modal response of the media contributes to a similarly bimodal attitude (apathy or panic) among the general population, which may then influence elected representatives in a similar manner. Policymakers often determine the saliency of topics based upon the magnitude of media coverage that the issue attracts, and those issues that rise to the top of the media agenda are often placed high on the calendar of discussions in Congress, and in the Executive branch. While the data above is suggestive that the Fear/Apathy cycle holds across the separate domains of academe and journalism, we cannot conclude a priori that this effect automatically influences the domain of political decision-making to the same extent. However, given that the political sphere is highly influenced by academic experts, and by media coverage, we hypothesize that the Fear/Apathy Cycle should result in similar patterns in public policy-making as well.

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It also necessitates an analysis of how challenges experienced in local response efforts are impacted by systematic failures of global health coordination and governance of health antibiotic juice recipe buy zitroken american express. This despite that fact that international recognition of the importance of the concept of "shared" global health security is at an all-time high antibiotics for acne solodyn order zitroken with visa. Specifically virus 0 access purchase zitroken mastercard, from the perspective of national health capacity antibiotic resistance mechanisms purchase line zitroken, health facilities in Liberia were inadequately equipped with occupational health and safety, waste management, personnel with necessary training, and adequate infection prevention and control measures to protect health workers and patients. At the outset of the outbreak, the national laboratory system could not diagnose Ebola and contact tracing was often delayed allowing further disease spread. During peak periods of the outbreak, international partners acted in haste to deploy treatment clinics and expand the number of beds needed to meet overwhelming demand to screen, treat, and quarantine suspected Ebola patients, with many of these facilities reaching capacity shortly after being opened. The situation was made more precarious by the shortage of healthcare workers in the country (Liberia only had an estimated 130 doctors prior to the outbreak in 2006 to serve its population of 4. Surveillance was also hindered by parallel, poorly-connected health information systems and underdeveloped vital statistics systems. Proposal to develop a cost plan to develop core capacities Health systems for all countries and partnering with the World Bank to develop financing mechanisms. Calling for a clear global strategy to ensure investment in core capacities to detect, report, and respond rapidly to outbreaks and mobilizing external support to supplement efforts in poorer countries supported by a transparent central system for tracking and monitoring of results. Only time will tell if these governance reforms will be adequately adopted, financed and implemented in order to ensure that the countless lives lost and sacrifices made in Liberia and the greater Western African region lead to the urgent change needed for 21st century global health and not just another case study of failed global health governance. He has also completed an Executive Course in Global Health Diplomacy at the Graduate Institute, Geneva, worked as a consultant for the World Health Organization, and acted as an expert speaker the U. Acknowledgment: the author would like to thank Matthew Brown, Assistant Professor at the Division of Global Health - Uniformed Services University for his helpful comments and insight in preparation of this manuscript. Controlling the last known cluster of Ebola virus disease - Liberia, January-February 2015. Epidemiological and Surveillance Response to Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak in Lofa County, Liberia (March-September, 2014); Lessons Learned. Decreased Ebola Transmission after Rapid Response to Outbreaks in Remote Areas, Liberia, 2014. Challenges in responding to the ebola epidemic - four rural counties, Liberia, August-November 2014. Establishment of a community care center for isolation and management of Ebola patients - Bomi County, Liberia, October 2014. Evidence for a decrease in transmission of Ebola virus-Lofa County, Liberia, June 8-November 1, 2014. Effectiveness of Ebola treatment units and community care centers - Liberia, September 23-October 31, 2014. Community Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Regarding Ebola Virus Disease - Five Counties, Liberia, September-October, 2014. Community quarantine to interrupt Ebola virus transmission - Mawah Village, Bong County, Liberia, AugustOctober, 2014. Evolution of ebola virus disease from exotic infection to global health priority, Liberia, mid-2014. Rapid intervention to reduce Ebola transmission in a remote village - Gbarpolu County, Liberia, 2014. Assessment of ebola virus disease, health care infrastructure, and preparedness - four counties,Southeastern Liberia, august 2014. Global health security: the wider lessons from the west African Ebola virus disease epidemic. Global Health Security Demands a Strong International Health Regulations Treaty and Leadership From a Highly Resourced World Health Organization. In wake of Ebola epidemic, Margaret Chan wants countries to put their money where their mouth is [Internet]. World Health Organisation "intentionally delayed declaring Ebola emergency" [Internet]. This political economy analysis identifies structural reasons why Sierra Leone and the international health community failed to respond in a timely and effective manner to the Cholera and Ebola epidemics or to translate learning from the Cholera epidemic to the Ebola response.

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