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By: E. Kurt, MD

Medical Instructor, Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine

As long as the global economy continues to grow- which is also suggested by the modeling-increasing global Trends 2030: AlternAtive Worlds MeGaTrends 32 food costs will not necessarily lead to greater child malnutrition kaspersky anti-virus best azithin 250 mg. Tighter markets will result in higher prices and increased price volatility but not necessarily in a fundamental shortage of food antibiotics for acne dangers order azithin mastercard. Continued reliance on maize as a biofuel feedstock will also increase the potential for volatility bacteria staphylococcus aureus cheap azithin 100mg on line. A stable supply of agricultural commodities to meet global food security needs and ensure trade flows can be achieved through supply-side management practices to boost crop production-including new technologies-to mitigate the potentially negative impacts of climate change bacteria questions purchase generic azithin pills. These include extreme weather-related disruptions from unmitigated climate change, prolonged periods of poor management of water and soil, and inadequate use of modern agricultural technologies and fertilizer. If one or more of these factors came into play, a second, higher-risk outcome would emerge in which food production failed to keep pace with demand growth. Such a development would create shortages that could have dire geopolitical, social, and economic repercussions. Increasing agricultural productivity in Africa would present a significant opportunity to boost and diversify global production and address regional poverty and food security. However, agricultural productivity in Africa will require major changes even to avoid shortages. Many African states have poor enabling environments for agricultural development, including lack of sufficient rural infrastructure and transportation to get seeds and fertilizer from the ports inland, and weak governance. Even a fairly marginal improvement in food supply chain management could translate into a significant reduction in waste, negating a significant amount of the pressures from growing populations and increased wealth. Without rapid investment in adaptation, climate change is also expected to result in sharp declines in yields. The risk of failing to achieve increased crop productivity therefore could have a negative impact not only on food security but also on water security. Cereal production in China and India faces significant challenges from environmental stresses relating to water scarcity, soil depletion, climate change, and pressures on land availability from urbanization. China, particularly, is investing heavily in agricultural technology and productivity. China and India are unlikely to abandon their efforts to achieve grain self-sufficiency through 2020. However, by 2030, demographic pressures and increasing environmental constraints may force both countries to increase imports, potentially triggering a significant price runup on international markets. Although rich countries will also feel the pinch, the share of food spending in low-income households in poorer countries is far greater, and these families will be affected to a greater extent. As a result, food-price inflation probably will fuel social discontent over other economic issues such as low wages and poor governance. Significant production occurs in water-stressed and climate-vulnerable regions in China, India, Pakistan, and Australia, suggesting markets will remain tight and vulnerable to harvest shocks, including disease. Crop yield improvements due to better agricultural practices and technological improvements have accounted for nearly 78 percent of the increase in crop production between 1961 and 1999. A nasty wild card, however, such as the spread of wheat rust could also have a long-lasting effect on food supplies. Wheat rust was largely eliminated by the genetic stock of the Green revolution, but it reappeared in Uganda in 1998, spread to Kenya and ethiopia, jumped to iran in 2007, was confirmed in south Africa in 2010, and is likely to appear soon in Pakistan and the Punjab. In addition to export curbs, these countries have more robust balance sheets to provide and maintain subsidies and domestic price controls and to use monetary policy tools to control inflation with more efficacy than smaller, less developed states. This trend will probably continue as food prices rise and the potential for scarcities increases. The main or reference scenario of the International Energy Agency also posits growing global production of key fossil fuels through 2030 (about 1 percent annually for oil). Much of this increased production-and recent optimism-derives from unconventional oil and gas being developed in North America. The scale-up of two technologies, horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, (see box on page 37) is driving this new energy boom. Producers have long known shale as "source rock"-rock from which oil and natural gas slowly migrated into traditional reservoirs over millions of years. Lacking the means economically to unlock the massive amounts of hydrocarbon in the source rock, producers devoted their attention to the conventional reservoirs. Once the industry discovered how to combine hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, the vast gas resources trapped in shale deposits became accessible. For this set of countries, the primary line of defense to stem food-price inflation will be to maintain, or, if necessary, expand existing subsidies on basic foodstuffs.

Maternidad segura y centrada en la familia con enfoque intercultural: Conceptualizaciуn e implementaciуn del modelo antibiotic resistance finder order azithin 250 mg. Evaluaciуn del riesgo perinatal Guнa para el manejo integral del reciйn nacido grave 37 2 infection 2 app buy azithin 500mg online. Evaluaciуn del riesgo perinatal Concepto de riesgo · Riesgo es la probabilidad que tiene un individuo o grupo de sufrir un daсo; daсo es antimicrobial klebsiella buy azithin 250mg mastercard, por lo tanto antibiotics hair loss discount azithin 250mg with amex, el resultado no deseado en funciуn del cual se mide un riesgo. Por ejemplo, una embarazada fumadora presenta un factor de riesgo (hбbito de fumar) que aumenta su probabilidad (riesgo) de tener un niсo de bajo peso al nacer (daсo o resultado no deseado). Por ejemplo, placenta previa desencadena muerte fetal por anoxia; rubйola durante el primer trimestre del embarazo desencadena malformaciones congйnitas; malnutriciуn materna desencadena bajo peso al nacer. Porejemplo,unamujerquehaperdido ya un feto o un reciйn nacido corre mayor riesgo de perder su siguiente hijo. Clasificaciуn · Los factores de riesgo perinatal pueden ser: - Endуgenosobiolуgicos,propiosdelindividuo(edad,sexo,paridad,peso,talla,etc. Enйsteseincluyencaracterнsticasofactorespertenecientesadiversossistemas relacionados con la salud individual o colectiva (sistemas de salud, de educaciуn, econуmico, social, etc. La mayorнa de ellos se resuelven en un segundo nivel de atenciуn, con personal y equipos mбs desarrollados. Nє39,Geneva,1978 Estadнstica perinatal y neonatal Guнa para el manejo integral del reciйn nacido grave 43 3. Estadнstica perinatal y neonatal Definiciones: · Nacimiento:eslaextracciуnoexpulsiуncompletadeunfeto,independientementedequeelcordуnestйonopinzadoy de que la placenta estй o no adherida. Los fetos que pesen menos de 500 gramos no son viables, por lo tanto no deben ser considerados para los propуsitos de las estadнsticas perinatales. Es recomendable que dicha medida se efectъe en las primeras horas de vida y podrб reportarse en gramos o libras, dependiendo de la localidad o el tipo de balanzas utilizadas. Birth weight, gestational age and pregnancy outcomes with special reference to high birth weight-low gestational age infants. Intrauterine growth in length and head circumference as estimated from live births at gestational ages from 26 to 42 weeks. Intrauterine growth as estimated from live-born birth weight data at 24 to 42 weeks of gestation. Sufrimiento fetal · Se produce sufrimiento fetal toda vez que se reduce el intercambio y/o la nutriciуn a nivel placentario, provocando alteracionesdelahomeostasisfetal(acidosis,hipercarbia,hipoxia). Mecanismo fisiopatolуgico del sufrimiento fetal · Reducciуn del flujo de sangre materna al espacio intervelloso: - Contracciones uterinas que producen compresiуn de los vasos intramiometriales o en ocasiones la compresiуn de la aorta y/o vasos ilнacos (polisistolia, hipertonнa uterina, etc. Vigilancia de la evoluciуn fetal · Mйtodos bioquнmicos: - Estriol: ° Es el estrуgeno principal durante el embarazo. Se produce en la segunda mitad de йste y estб en funciуn de la actividad adrenal fetal y de la actividad placentaria, por lo que es un parбmetro importante en la evaluaciуn del bienestar fetal en los embarazos de alto riesgo. Guнa para el manejo integral del reciйn nacido grave 51 ° Los valores aceptados de estriol en orina de 24 horas deben ser mayores de 7 mg/24 horas a las 28 semanas de gestaciуn y mayores de 12 mg/24 horas a tйrmino. La zona fetal de peligro consiste en valores < de 4 ng/ml, despuйs de la semana 32 de embarazo. Amplitud > 50 lpm duraciуn > 60 seg Complicaciones de la vigilancia electrуnica: · En la madre: mayor aumento de cesбreas, infecciуn, perforaciуn uterina · En el feto: infecciones, absceso del cuero cabelludo (0. Ultrasound measurement of the fetal head to abdomen circunference ratio in the assessment of growth retardation. Evaluation of three methods for obtaining fetal weigth estimates using dynamic image ultrasonography. Obstet Gynecol 1982;60:99 Asfixia perinatal Guнa para el manejo integral del reciйn nacido grave 57 5. Anesth Analg, 1953; 32:260-9 0 Ausente Ausente Flбccido Sin respuesta Azul o pбlido 2 > 100 lpm Buena, llanto Movimiento activo Tos, estornudo, llanto Completamente rosado Factores que contribuyen a la asfixia · Factores maternos - Reducciуndelflujosanguнneouterinoenlosespaciosintervellosos: ° Enfermedadvascularsistйmicaincluyendotoxemia. Guнa para el manejo integral del reciйn nacido grave 59 · Factores neonatales - Problemas mecбnicos en la ventilaciуn (pulmуn normal): ° Vнa aйrea obstruida (aspiraciуn de meconio, atresia traqueal congйnita). Cambios bioquнmicos durante la asfixia · Elcambiomбsimportantedurantelaasfixiaeslaconversiуndelaoxidaciуnaerуbicadelaglucosaaunaglucуlisis anaerуbica con la acumulaciуn de lactato y el desarrollo de acidosis metabуlica. Efectos post asfixia · Cardiovasculares - Elmiocardiopuedesufrirdaсosdurantelaasfixiacomoresultadodeunamalaperfusiуn,conelconsecuente. Estedaсo,alavez,vaainfluirenelflujodelaarteria coronaria y producir defectos de conducciуn, bloqueos aurнcula ventriculares, arritmias y una frecuencia cardнaca fija.

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Attention from others is a near universal reinforcer; the sympathetic ear of a therapist can be especially powerful antibiotics for uti delay period cheap azithin 250 mg overnight delivery. Palliative medications are often prescribed on an ·as-neededZ basis antimicrobial on air filters studies about purchase azithin 100 mg fast delivery, accompanied by the caution bacteria webquest order azithin without prescription, ·Take this only when you really need it; it is powerful and may be addicting antibiotic 7244 93 order 250 mg azithin fast delivery. If the medication effectively relieves the headache, medication-taking behavior has become strongly reinforced and is likely to become more frequent in the future (based on principles of learning theory). Similar factors come into play when treating patients whose headache severity has markedly compromised their day-to-day functioning (a common occurrence with posttraumatic headache). Such patients are typically instructed, ·Do only what you canZor continue activities ·until the pain becomes unbearable. Stopping the activity reduces discomfort and makes the patient less likely to engage in activity in the future. Consequently, therapists need to probe for environmental conditions, including familial 260 Headaches factors, which might be serving to maintain headache pain behavior and to be aware of how he or she may subtly begin to contribute to the headache problem itself. When such environmental factors are in evidence, therapists are urged to lessen (gradually) attention given to pain symptoms, encourage and reinforce efforts to cope with head pain (ask, ·How are you trying to manage your headaches? Z), encourage the inactive patient to set daily goals and stick to them despite the pain level, and arrange for needed analgesic medications to be taken on a time-contingent, as opposed to a pain-contingent, basis. Fordyce (1976) presents a detailed format for questions to ask of patients and family members being treated for chronic pain, which are also appropriate to consider when evaluating headache patients. In the only examination of its type, Allen and Shriver (1998) found that adding parent training in pain behavior management to standard biofeedback treatment signi"cantly incremented effectiveness over biofeedback alone for adolescent migraineurs. Patient Preference and Cost Effectiveness To date, there are no clear empirical data to suggest whether patient preference is predictive of treatment outcome. Nonetheless, this factor should always be considered when providing clinical treatments or interventions to individual patients. As a matter of course, compliance and cooperation are likely to be in"uenced by patient preference for treatment type; to ignore this would be a serious error. While these algorithms have not been empirically tested, they are based on the extensive empirical literature previously described and represent a set of empirically supported decision-making guidelines. These authors suggest the use of both pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments for migraines that are frequent and/or severe. For migraine headaches that are less frequent and unaccompanied by psychological problems, factors such as patient preference, previous treatment experience/outcome, and cost may be used to select either pharmacological or nonpharmacological methods of treatment as a "rst line treatment. Should the initial choice fail to result in a satisfactory outcome, the alternate strategies may then be used as a supplement or second-line treatment. However, if the headaches are unremitting or complicated by signi"cant psychological disturbance, the use of antidepressant medication should be considered early. Minimal therapist contact interventions (see next) may be tried initially, with more intensive treatments applied if initial efforts are unsuccessful. If the addition of other behavioral and cognitive behavioral interventions fails to result in a satisfactory outcome, then prophylactic medications should be considered. Treatment Format and Delivery In addition to individual characteristics of patients that may predict response to treatment and aid in the selection of appropriate intervention(s), treatment planning also involves decisions about treatment format and delivery. Practical factors, such as limited patient and/or therapist time, cost prohibitions, and limited geographical access, may preclude intensive individual therapies (Rowan & Andrasik, 1996). Minimal Therapist Contact Interventions the main alternate delivery approach investigated to date retains a 1:1 focus, but markedly reduces clinician contact by supplementing treatment with instructional manuals and cassettes that subjects utilize on their own at home or at work. The ·prototypicalZ minimal therapist contact intervention includes an initial in-of"ce session, a mid-treatment of"ce session, and a "nal session with the therapist over the course of eight weeks or so, plus the use of two to three telephone contacts in between. These intermittent visits and calls are designed to keep patients engaged in treatment and to offset the high dropout rates that have occurred with entirely self-help approaches (Rowan & Andrasik, 1996). Thus, while time spent at the of"ce and with the therapist is signi"cantly reduced (as are costs), time investments by the patient are still extensive. There is a substantial body of literature to suggest that nonpharmacological interventions may be effectively applied in cost-effective, minimal therapist contact formats and that these formats rival more ·intensiveZ interventions, with both adults and children (Haddock et al. Minimal therapist contact interventions have been found to have attrition rates similar to more intensive therapies and to produce two to six times more headache reduction per therapist hour than more intensive Summary and Future Directions 261 therapies (thus af"rming their cost-effectiveness). Factors that predict response to such minimal contact interventions are less clear than those that have been previously discussed for more ·intensiveZ treatments. Some of the advantages include reduced therapist time and costs to the patient, expanded accessibility of treatment, reduced scheduling demand, and reduced patient apprehension. Disadvantages include an increase in the time commitment and possibly a need for greater motivation on the part of the patient (Andrasik, 1996).

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The Asian Development Bank indicated in a 2011 reporta that based on current trends Asia could become 90 percent dependent on imported oil by 2050 bacteria song cheap azithin 100mg visa. Asian cities are vulnerable to the severe weather connected to climate change antibiotic bronchitis buy cheap azithin, which amplifies storm surges and flooding of low-lying areas vyrus 985 c3 4v buy generic azithin 100mg. This is particularly the case for many of these coastal cities: Kolkata (Calcutta) antibiotics qt prolongation order azithin from india, Mumbai (Bombay), Dhaka, Guangzhou, Ho Chi Minh City, Shanghai, Manila, Bangkok, Yangon and Hai Phong. In light of these trends, emerging market demand for a See Asia 2050: Realizing the Asian Century, Asian Development Bank, 2011. McKinsey & Company estimates that the gap between potential capital supply and demand will reach between $0. This gap will result in upward pressure on long-term interest rates, particularly in regions without adequate savings. Such a secular trend would have negative implications for investments around the world. Other resemblances include an accelerating globalization, rapid technological development, and growing geopolitical competition among the great powers. The late 19th century was a time of relatively high real economic volatility with wide fluctuations in growth rates. Just as now, intellectual property rights were in dispute with no government in a position to enforce them abroad. An added current complication are the differences over market liberalization and role of the state in the economy, which are likely to continue. Other experts emphasize that the global economic system will become increasingly stressed. Up to now less than one billion people have accounted for three-quarters of global consumption; during the next two decades, new and expanded middle classes in the developing world could create as many as two billion additional consumers. Such an explosion will global Trends 2030: AlternAtive Worlds GaMe-chanGers 46 mean a scramble for raw materials and manufactured goods. With greater demand for products, economists worry that the number of bottlenecks will increase markedly and that supply of resources and goods will face at least temporary constraints. This could mean that the durations of business cycles will become significantly shorter and that they will be less smooth. Competition over resources might lead governments to become increasingly involved in managing them, ramping up tensions with other countries vying for the same resources. The absence of a clear hegemonic economic power-as represented by an unrivalled global currency-could in turn add to volatility as in the late 19th century. The various players pursued their special interests with little risk of any enforcement of common rules by an overwhelming power. Of course, the future will not exactly repeat the past: there are both reasons to believe that the global economy will be stronger than in the late 19th century and also situations in which it could become more crisis-prone. We have a stronger global financial system for dealing with stresses than we did in earlier eras. The gold standard did not allow for a stabilization policy by central banks, accentuating the volatility. However, the degree to which the emerging powers would view these originally Western-established bodies with legitimacy and deference in a full- scale economic crisis is unclear. The current institutional framework is not likely to withstand the unleashing of a major conflict between the big economic players. Finally, we are assuming that the new normal-albeit more fragile and volatile than the Great Moderation of the pre-2008 period-would be based on active support of the emerging powers. As described above, one could envisage mercantilist and protectionist pressures growing to break down globalization, particularly if coupled with rising political tensions with neighbors and rivals. Such risks are greater in a multipolar world marked by wide divergences in domestic forms of capitalism and differences regarding how to manage the international system. Any economic breakdowns in key countries such as China would be likely to spur political disruption, which would complicate recovery and potentially limit the ability of others to help. Interest rates may increase with imbalances between easily available supplies and growing demand of raw materials. Upward movement in interest rates may also be pushed by a decline in global savings capacities as rising middle classes in the developing world consume more and aging populations in the developed world begin to draw down their savings. With long-run growth trends diverging, the relative attractiveness of Western bonds as opposed to emerging markets will begin to decline.