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By: N. Kasim, M.A.S., M.D.

Associate Professor, Ponce School of Medicine

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The authors argue that indigenous and local residents hold important stories and memories of recent tsunamis nodular gastritis definition proven 800 mg renagel, which should be recalled gastritis y embarazo discount renagel 400 mg overnight delivery, maintained gastritis diet щелкунчик order discount renagel line, and applied towards future disaster risk reduction strategies and communication plans gastritis diet 4 rewards order cheap renagel on line, along with science-based knowledge and technical procedures. In an online video-documentary, "Dialogues between Indigenous Knowledge and Disaster Risk Reduction" (Amazon Dams Network, 2016), Maskoke activist and scholar Marcus Briggs-Cloud highlights the importance of conserving indigenous languages to maintain indigenous knowledge and communication pathways between indigenous peoples, spiritual leaders and disasters. He explains that natural elements and phenomena such as tornadoes, hurricanes, and rain carry ancestral spirits with whom spiritual leaders are able to connect and communicate through indigenous languages. Indigenous languages and lifeways also offer concepts, practices and experiences of disasters that might help science and society to understand, prevent, mitigate and manage their effects (Mercer et al. Chief Herbert Jim, Seminole spiritual leader, tells the story of the spirit of a young man who was twisting and came to earth as a hurricane. People tried to control and kill him, cutting one of his arms, but they were not supposed to kill a nature being. For New Zealand Mori groups, earthquakes and volcano activity are controlled by the God Raumoko, who rules geothermal activity (McSaveney, 2011). In parts of Bangladesh, cyclones are traditionally seen by Muslim groups as a punishment from Allah (Schmuk, 2000). In the island of Manpura, Bangladesh, preparedness attitudes are often guided by religious leaders, some of whom advocate prayer as the only appropriate measure (Howell, 2003). Indigenous and local strategies, social-ecological indicators and weather forecasts, might inform different stages of disaster prevention and management (Figure 5. They involve using local environmental indicators and the reliance on informal personal networks to assist with interpreting the message and decision-making (Dekens, 2007). Indigenous and local weather forecasts are products of multigenerational observations of changes in the surrounding environment, and includes knowledge about the movements of the sun, the moon, and the stars. They might be developed over time, through need, trial, and error; or emerge, using pre-existing networks, and are simply disseminated among local communities, without requiring any special equipment or technology (Howell, 2003). Indigenous farmers in Peru and Bolivia use the appearance of the Pleiades to forecast the 384 5. They moderate the effect of reduced rainfall by adjusting the planting dates of potatoes, their most important crop. For the authors, the study of indigenous forecasts integrates a growing network that connects climate researchers, policymakers, administrators and citizens. The forecasts show that local social groups seek information that they can use to adapt to climate variations and or disasters. Combining traditional and scientific prediction techniques and data could be quite effective, helping meteorologists prepare useful projections, as well as improve communication between the producers and consumers of modern scientific forecasts (Dekens, 2007; Orlove et al. According to Parker and Handmer (1998), one important disadvantage of local early warning systems relates to the fact that they are limited by the personal experience of member of the relevant network, and can not always be extended to other social groups beyond them. Rural communities perceive animal behaviour and other natural phenomena as local early warning indicators of cyclones (Howell, 2003). Indigenous strategies such as placement or settlement in safer areas, are related to geographical (territorial) and seasonal memory and knowledge. This place-based knowledge might inform regional development plans, evacuation routes, or resettlement programs. Indigenous architecture also has helped communities to cope with hurricanes in Florida. According to Chief Herbert Jim, the wood and structure of indigenous houses helped to absorb the wind, protecting against hurricane impacts. Strategies for coping with disasters based on indigenous sociocultural practices include reciprocity networks, spiritual guidance, and community-based food production and provisioning (Athayde et al. Land degradation has the potential to negatively impact human security, especially in countries and regions with high poverty rates and weak institutions. Land degradation can act as a threat multiplier for violent conflict, especially in countries and regions where weak institutions reduce the capacity to peacefully resolve disputes over limited resources (Bernauer et al. It may also force unwanted migration by limiting agricultural and rangeland productivity in areas of livelihood insecurity. Stories, symbols, songs and rituals are also part of the oral lore of the indigenous peoples and local communities, used for communication and knowledge transmission across generations. According to Dekens (2007), based on work developed by the author with Nepalese ethnic groups, songs and proverbs may work as repositories of past flood events, contributing to the transmission of flood-coping strategies, creating common knowledge, and sharing a common understanding of environmental change events. These oral traditions can also help to build a sense of community and solidarity within the village and/or within the different groups affected. Based on research carried out in different parts of the world, there is solid evidence to support the claim that indigenous peoples and local communities hold important knowledge and experiences to contribute to disaster risk reduction and management.

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Human-mediated introductions now dwarf natural dispersal gastritis icd 10 400mg renagel sale, either intentionally diet while having gastritis order renagel with american express. Bioterrorism may also involve invasive aliens gastritis diet treatment effective renagel 400 mg, in most cases pathogenic microorganisms (Meyerson & Reaser chronic gastritis curable buy discount renagel 800mg, 2003). Worldwide, 27% of all threatened animals are imperilled by invasive organisms (Bellard et al. Invasive alien species are responsible for the stresses on 30% of threatened birds (and as much as 67% on islands), 11% of threatened amphibians, and 8% of threatened mammals sites (Baillie et al. Feral cats threaten 40 native mammals, birds and reptiles in Australia alone (Dickman, 1996). B Dense, floating water hyacinth (Pistia stratiotes), in the Burigana river, Bangladesh. It was later discovered that the toads were unable to eat the cane beetles but it thrived by feeding on other insects. They spread rapidly, taking over native amphibian habitat and introduced alien diseases to native species. When threatened or handled, the toad releases a poison harming or killing native species such as goannas, tiger snakes, dingos and northern quolls. Control programs have had limited success (Department of the Environment Water Heritage and the Arts, 2010). It typically occurs on remote, less productive land of lower agricultural profitability (Munroe et al. The actual sequence of changes through a succession is determined by climate and soil type and, in the case of secondary succession, the prior land cover and land use. Secondary successions rarely reach the same climax state as a primary succession, and are distinguished by the term "plagio-climax". An example is the impacts of cropping in Mongolia which persists for a long time (Venter et al. However, the initial disturbance and any subsequent anthropogenic effects (Meyfroidt et al. To the extent that cessation of the disturbance is not followed by continued progress to the plagio-climax, the land can be considered degraded (see Section 4. For example, some Mediterranean woodland bird and large mammal populations have benefited from largescale land abandonment (Blondel et al. However, abandonment has been found to have mainly negative biodiversity outcomes in Europe and Asia, while positive effects were most common in the Americas (Queiroz et al. Agricultural abandonment has been substantial throughout the 20th century in the Eastern United States, in China, South America and the former Soviet Union (Gutman & Radeloff, 2017), followed by the Western United States, Southern Asia, Europe, Canada, the Pacific developed nations, and Africa (Cramer et al. Land abandonment is projected to continue under different future scenarios (see Section 4. Mineral extraction is a major driver of land disturbance and contamination to aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems at multiple levels (de Castro Pena et al. The operational life of a mine consists of several phases, each with specific impacts that can occur in sequence or together and often interact cumulatively. The risks associated with each phase and the severity of degradation and contamination potential to land and water ecosystems are determined by geologic, geographic and environmental factors (Marsden & House, 2006; Zyl et al. The geochemistry and mineralogy of ores, metallurgical methods and chemicals utilized for processing and environmental management systems determine the ecological risks of mining waste effluents releases (see Section 4. The rudimentary nature of most artisanal and small-scale mining practices has severe impacts on the structure and chemistry of soils and riverine systems (Figure 4.