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Defn: A running or issuing of blood anxiety group therapy generic 150 mg venlafaxine overnight delivery, as from the nose or a wound; a hemorrhage; the operation of letting blood anxiety coping skills cheap venlafaxine express, as in surgery; a drawing or running of sap from a tree or plant anxiety 9 year old boy purchase venlafaxine australia. To mark with deformity; to injure or impair anxiety symptoms on the body order venlafaxine 75mg with mastercard, as anything which is well formed, or excellent; to mar, or make defective, either the body or mind. Defn: Any mark of deformity or injury, whether physical or moral; anything; that diminishes beauty, or renders imperfect that which is otherwise well formed; that which impairs reputation. He shall take two he lambs without blemish, and one ewe lamb of the first year without blemish. The reliefs of an envious man are those little blemishes and imperfections that discover themselves in an illustrious character. To shrink; to start back; to draw back, from lack of courage or resolution; to flinch; to quail. One who, or that which, scares another; specifically, a person stationed to prevent the escape of the deer, at a hunt. Defn: To mingle; to mix; to unite intimately; to pass or shade insensibly into each other, as colors. So called either in allusion to its dazzling luster; or (Dana) because, though often resembling galena, it yields no lead. Defn: One who, or that which, blends; an instrument, as a brush, used in blending. Etym: [So called from Blenheim House, the seat of the duke of Marlborough, in England. To make or pronounce holy; to consecrate And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it. To make happy, blithesome, or joyous; to confer prosperity or happiness upon; to grant divine favor to . It hath pleased thee to bless the house of thy servant, that it may continue forever before thee. To express a wish or prayer for the happiness of; to invoke a blessing upon; - applied to persons. To invoke or confer beneficial attributes or qualities upon; to invoke or confer a blessing on, - as on food. Then he took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed them. Note: this is an old sense of the word, supposed by Johnson, Nares, and others, to have been derived from the old rite of blessing a field by directing the hands to all parts of it. Enjoying, or pertaining to , spiritual happiness, or heavenly felicity; as, the blessed in heaven. Thu Feb 11 12:10:05 2016 1455 Defn: the state of being blessed; happiness; felicity; bliss; heavenly joys; the favor of God. A declaration of divine favor, or an invocation imploring divine favor on some or something; a benediction; a wish of happiness pronounces. This is the blessing, where with Moses the man of God blessed the children of Israel. A means of happiness; that which promotes prosperity and welfare; a beneficent gift. Defn: the supposed faculty of perceiving subterraneous springs and currents by sensation; - so called from one Bleton, of France. The meaning "to blight" comes in that case from to glitter, hence, to be white or pale, grow pale, make pale, bleach. Mildew; decay; anything nipping or blasting; - applied as a general name to various injuries or diseases of plants, causing the whole or a part to wither, whether occasioned by insects, fungi, or atmospheric influences. The act of blighting, or the state of being blighted; a withering or mildewing, or a stoppage of growth in the whole or a part of a plant, etc. Destitute of the sense of seeing, either by natural defect or by deprivation; without sight.

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Defn: Relating to a dynamometer anxiety symptoms weakness purchase 37.5 mg venlafaxine amex, or to the measurement of force doing work; as anxiety definition order venlafaxine online, dynamometrical instruments anxiety erectile dysfunction generic 75mg venlafaxine mastercard. A race or succession of kings anxiety questionnaire pdf buy venlafaxine 75 mg otc, of the same line or family; the continued lordship of a race of rulers. It occurs epidemically, and is believed to be communicable through the medium of the alvine discharges. Defn: Not procreating or breeding freely; as, one race may be dysgenesic with respect to another. There is no course of conduct for which dyslogistic or eulogistic epithets may be found. The paternity of dyslogistic - no bantling, but now almost a centenarian - is adjudged to that genius of common sense, Jeremy Bentham. Its symptoms are loss of appetite, nausea, heartburn, acrid or fetid eructations, a sense of weight or fullness in the stomach, etc. Defn: Pertaining to dyspepsia; having dyspepsia; as, a dyspeptic or dyspeptical symptom. To the doctrine of dysteleology, or the denial of final causes, a proof of the real existence of such a thing as instinct must necessarily be fatal. Note: It derives its form, name, and value from the Latin, the form and value being further derived from the Greek, into which it came from the Phoenician, and ultimately, probably, from the Egyptian. Its etymological relations are closest with the vowels i, a, and o, as illustrated by to fall, to fell; man, pl. Note: the letter e has in English several vowel sounds, the two principal being its long or name sound, as in eve, me, and the short, as in end, best. Usually at the end of words it is silent, but serves to indicate that the preceding vowel has its long sound, where otherwise it would be short, as in mane, as in cane, m, which without the final e would be pronounced m, c, m. After c and g, the final e indicates that these letters are to be pronounced as s and j; respectively, as in lace, rage. Every one of the two or more individuals composing a number of objects, considered separately from the rest. It is used either with or without a following noun; as, each of you or each one of you. It is our duty to assist each other; that is, it is our duty, each to assist the other, each being in the nominative and other in the objective case. Note: this use of each for every, though common in Scotland and in America, is now un-English. Excited by desire in the pursuit of any object; ardent to pursue, perform, or obtain; keenly desirous; hotly longing; earnest; zealous; impetuous; vehement; as, the hounds were eager in the chase. It is always taken in a good sense; as, a preacher is earnest in his appeals to the conscience; an agent is earnest in his solicitations. The eagle is remarkable for strength, size, graceful figure, keenness of vision, and extraordinary flight. The figure of the eagle, as the king of birds, is commonly used as an heraldic emblem, and also for standards and emblematic devices. The figure of an eagle borne as an emblem on the standard of the ancient Romans, or so used upon the seal or standard of any people. Note: Some modern nations, as the United States, and France under the Bonapartes, have adopted the eagle as their national emblem. Note: In man and the higher vertebrates, the organ of hearing is very complicated, and is divisible into three parts: the external ear, which includes the pinna or auricle and meatus or external opening; the middle ear, drum, or tympanum; and the internal ear, or labyrinth. The middle ear is a cavity connected by the Eustachian tube with the pharynx, separated from the opening of the external ear by the tympanic membrane, and containing a chain of three small bones, or ossicles, named malleus, incus, and stapes, which connect this membrane with the internal ear. The essential part of the internal ear where the fibers of the auditory nerve terminate, is the membranous labyrinth, a complicated system of sacs and tubes filled with a fluid (the endolymph), and lodged in a cavity, called the bony labyrinth, in the periotic bone.

The act of clothing with flesh anxiety 2 weeks before period purchase 150 mg venlafaxine, or the state of being so clothed; the act of taking anxiety 4 year old boy cheap 150 mg venlafaxine with amex, or being manifested in anxiety symptoms medication buy cheap venlafaxine 37.5 mg line, a human body and nature anxiety 7 minute test cheap venlafaxine 75mg amex. An incarnate form; a personification; a manifestation; a reduction to apparent from; a striking exemplification in person or act. Any person who maliciously sets fire to a building or other valuable or other valuable property. A person who excites or inflames factions, and promotes quarrels or sedition; an agitator; an exciter. Of or pertaining to incendiarism, or the malicious burning of valuable property; as, incendiary material; as incendiary crime. Tending to excite or inflame factions, sedition, or quarrel; inflammatory; seditious. To inflame with anger; to endkindle; to fire; to incite; to provoke; to heat; to madden. The perfume or odors exhaled from spices and gums when burned in celebrating religious rites or as an offering to some deity. The materials used for burned, as fragrant gums, Nadab and Abihu, the sons and put fire therein, and the purpose of producing a perfume when spices, frankincense, etc. Incense tree, the name of several balsamic trees of the genus Bursera (or Icica) mostly tropical American. In Jamaica the Chrysobalanus Icaco, a tree related to the plums, is called incense tree. The greatest obstacles, the greatest terrors that come in their way, are so far from making them quit the work they had begun, that they rather prove incentives to them to go on in it. Marked with vivacity of inception, apathy of progress, and prematureness of decay. Defn: Beginning; expressing or indicating beginning; as, an inceptive proposition; an inceptive verb, which expresses the beginning of action; - called also inchoative. One who is on the point of taking the degree of master of arts at an English university. Law) (a) the crime of cohabitation committed between persons who have a spiritual alliance by means of baptism or confirmation. A measure of length, the twelfth part of a foot, commonly subdivided into halves, quarters, eights, sixteenths, etc. It was also formerly divided into twelve parts, called lines, and originally into three parts, called barleycorns, its length supposed to have been determined from three grains of barley placed end to end lengthwise. A small distance or degree, whether or time Beldame, I think we watched you at an inch. Thu Feb 11 12:10:05 2016 6794 Defn: Measurement an inch in any dimension, whether length, breadth, or thickness; - used in composition; as, a two-inch cable; a fourinch plank. The setting on foot some of those arts, in those parts, would be looked on as the first inchoation of them. It is now in actual progress, from the rudest inchoation to the most elaborate finishing. Angle of incidence, the angle which a ray of light, or the line of incidence of a body, falling on any surface, makes with a perpendicular to that surface; also formerly, the complement of this angle. Coming or happening accidentally; not in the usual course of things; not in connection with the main design; not according to expectation; casual; fortuitous. Liable to happen; apt to occur; befalling; hence, naturally happening or appertaining. Incident proposition (Logic), a proposition subordinate to another, and introduced by who, which, whose, whom, etc. That which happens aside from the main design; an accidental or subordinate action or event. Defn: Happening, as an occasional event, without regularity; coming without design; casual; accidental; hence, not of prime concern; subordinate; collateral; as, an incidental conversation; an incidental occurrence; incidental expenses. That which is produced by incising; the separation of the parts of any substance made by a cutting or pointed instrument; a cut; a gash. Having the quality of incising, cutting, or penetrating, as with a sharp instrument; cutting; hence, sharp; acute; sarcastic; biting. Defn: Adapted for cutting; of or pertaining to the incisors; incisive; as, the incisor nerve; an incisor foramen; an incisor tooth. Thu Feb 11 12:10:05 2016 6800 Defn: That which incites; an inciting agent or cause; a stimulant.

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A single flame is called a Helena anxiety related to quality 75 mg venlafaxine, or a Corposant; a double anxiety krizz kaliko lyrics generic venlafaxine 150 mg on-line, or twin anxiety symptoms checklist buy discount venlafaxine 150mg online, flame is called a Castor and Pollux anxiety scale 0-5 generic 150mg venlafaxine with mastercard, or a double Corposant. It is the distinguishing badge of ships of the royal navy of England; - called also the white ensign. A large hospital, erected by a shoemaker who has been beatified, though never sainted. Defn: the character or quality of saints; also, hypocritical pretense of holiness. Simon, who died in 1825, and who maintained that the principle of property held in common, and the just division of the fruits of common labor among the members of society, are the true remedy for the social evils which exist. Defn: the principles, doctrines, or practice of the Saint-Simonians; - called also Saint-Simonism. Defn: A system of socialism in which the state owns all the property and the laborer is entitled to share according to the quality and amount of his work, founded by Saint Simon (1760-1825). Note: the -s of the possessive case preceding sake is sometimes omitted for euphony; as, for goodness sake. It is largely employed as a source of ammonia, as a reagent, and as an expectorant in bronchitis. Finally, Josiah might have made his salaam to the exciseman just as he was folding up that letter. Note: the salamanders have, like lizards, an elongated body, four feet, and a long tail, but are destitute of scales. Formerly, it was a superstition that the salamander could live in fire without harm, and even extinguish it by the natural coldness of its body. Whereas it is commonly said that a salamander extinguisheth fire, we have found by experience that on hot coals, it dieth immediately. A culinary utensil of metal with a plate or disk which is heated, and held over pastry, etc. Defn: Receiving a salary; paid by a salary; having a salary attached; as, a salaried officer; a salaried office. Note: Recompense for services paid at, or reckoned by, short intervals, as a day or week, is usually called wages. The act of selling; the transfer of property, or a contract to transfer the ownership of property, from one person to another for a valuable consideration, or for a price in money. It is used to make a nutritious beverage by treating the powdered preparation with hot water. It is also an ingridient of most baking powders, and is used in the preparation of effervescing drinks. Defn: Denoting a tribe of Franks who established themselves early in the fourth century on the river Sala [now Yssel]; Salic. By one provision of this code women were excluded from the inheritance of landed property. This law has obtained in France, and at times in other countries of Europe, as Spain. It is used in biochemistry as a standard substrate for evaluating the potency of b-glucosidase in enzymatic preparations. Called also salycylol, salicylic aldehyde, and formerly salicylous, or spiroylous, acid. That quality or condition of being salient; a leaping; a springing forward; an assaulting. Hence, figuratively, forcing itself on the attention; prominent; conspicuous; noticeable. The saliferous beds of New York State belong largely to the Salina period of the Upper Silurian. Consisting of salt, or containing salt; as, saline particles; saline substances; a saline cathartic. Note: In man the saliva is a more or less turbid and slighty viscid fluid, generally of an alkaline reaction, and is secreted by the parotid, submaxillary, and sublingual glands. The secretions from the individual salivary glands have their own special characteristics, and these are not the same in all animals. Note: Probably influenced by the experiments of Pavlov, who trained dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell, by previously ringing the bell immediately prior to feeding them.