Resource Books


PDF files:

A Young Person's Guide to Waco Landmarks
Size: 1,122k, Approximately 3 minutes at 56Kbps

Historical Markers of McLennan County
Size: 14,702k, Approximately 34 minutes at 56Kbps

“Must Have” Books on Waco History
Size: 23,345k, Approximately 55 minutes at 56Kbps

“Must Have” Books on Waco History

Barnes, Lavonia J. Early Homes of Waco and the People Who Lived in Them. Waco: Texian Press, 1970. This book presents old Waco houses that were built from the late 1840s to the late 1890s and a synopsis of some of the families that lived in them. There is also a section on houses that no longer exist.

Conger, Roger N. A Pictorial History of Waco. Waco: Texian Press, 1964. This work showcases the photography of Fred Gildersleeve in capturing the visual history of Waco to the middle of the 20th century.

---. Highlights of Waco History. Waco: Hill Printing and Stationery Co, 1945. This is one of the earliest works offering a concise history of Waco.

---. Waco: A Basic History. Waco: Texian Press, 1984. This small, illustrated publication, by one of Waco’s most famous historians, serves as a stimulus for an appreciation and enjoyment of the city’s history.

Curry, William H. A History of Early Waco with Allusions to Six Shooter Junction. Waco: Texian Press, 1968. This work features short stories, not in ay particular order, of many Waco events, buildings, organizations, and people, including photographs, some not found anywhere else.

Davis, Robert E. and Walker, Barbara, eds. A Pictorial History of Waco Volume II – Photographs from the Collection of James F. Jasek. Waco: Texian Press, 2000. This publication is a continuation of Conger’s book on a pictorial history of Waco, using photographs from the middle 1930s to the end of the 20th century.

Kelley, Dayton, ed. The Handbook of Waco and McLennan County, Texas. Waco: Texian Press, 1972. While it needs to be updated and expanded, this important publication contains information in encyclopedic form on the history of Waco from obscure sources.

Poage, William R. McLennan County - Before 1980. Waco: Texian Press, 1981. The author relates a good general history of Waco and surrounding area.

Wallace, Patricia W. A Spirit So Rare: A History of the Women of Waco. Austin: Nortex Press, 1984. This work presents biographical sketches of two dozen of Waco’s prominent women throughout its history.

---. Waco: A Sesquicentennial History. Virginia Beach: The Donning Co., 1999. Published as a commemoration of Waco’s sesquicentennial year, this book features many before now unpublished photographs documenting the history of Waco.

---. Waco: Texas Crossroads. Woodland Hills: Windsor Publications, Inc., 1983. This pictorial work, the first of Wallace’s histories, chronicles Waco as a place where many “roads” have crossed. The last chapter features histories of selected local businesses.


The Texas Almanac: Purchase book or you can search towns that once or still exist, including county, population information where available and other names associated with that place.

Texas Escapes Online Magazine: Information and photos of Waco and other Texas cities