Contact us with your suggestions and comments.
Waco History Project Board of Directors
- Mary Duty, Tennyson Middle School, Board Chairwoman,

- Terri Jo Ryan, freelance journalist, adjunct English instructor, Vice Chairwoman,

- Bradley Turner, McLennan Community College, Education Liaison,

- David Lintz, Red Men Museum and Library, Resources Chairman,

- Jo Welter, Community Race Relations Coalition, Narratives Chairwoman

- Robert Gamboa, LULAC,

- Pat McKee, Historic Waco Foundation,

- Rayburn Taylor, webmaster,

- Jennifer Warren, Waco "Mary Holliday"/Historical Re-enactor,

- Eric Ames, Baylor University,

- Terry Goodman, Volunteer,

- Stephen Sloan, Baylor University Institute for Oral History,

- Watson Arnold, Historic Waco Foundation,

- Roane Lacy, Volunteer,

- Donald Wright, Community Race Relations Coalition,

- Connee Duran, Volunteer,
